Pay for Uber with COS? Contentos partners with Kamoney to help 45 million unbanked in Brazil.

Published in
3 min readMar 18, 2020


Through our partnership with Kamoney, people can now use COS to recharge their Uber account, recharge their phone, pay for bills, and even take out cash in Brazil!

According to data gathered by the Instituto Locomotiva, one out of every three Brazilians are unbanked. Most of the unbanked population are young people between the ages of 15 and 24 and people living in rural areas or receiving low salaries.

These people are excluded from regular financial services and often struggle because they cannot have a secure way to transfer their money or receive payments from their work.

Contentos, a blockchain solution fighting against censorship and demonetization, found that a majority of young Brazilian creators and users are struggling with this situation.

In order to bank the unbanked, we partnered up with Kamoney, which has provided a highly-rated and stable crypto payment service in Brazil for years. Now users can enjoy a secure and reliable way of using $COS to pay for their bills on Kamoney!

Let’s take a look at how you can use COS on Kamoney!

How can we leverage COS in Kamoney for real-life usage?

How to use COS to recharge Uber, pay for bills and buy gift cards?

How to use COS to recharge your phone though Kamoney?

How to exchange COS to money through Kamoney and take out cash?

We are focusing on partnering up with local partners to bring the value of COS to the real world.

Join now, start watching, start earning, and transfer safely.

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Contentos is a public-chain project for the global digital content industry. With blockchain technology, Contentos focuses on solving the challenges of today’s centralized content platform, including content distribution, content monetization, property rights confirmation and property management, etc. Contentos is committed to empowering creators so that they can generate reasonable revenue through the creation and promote effective collaboration with advertisers, fans and other creators, so that the overall ecology is enhanced by the positive contributions of users.




Revolutionary blockchain-based global content ecosystem where the rights and value will be returned to users.