Watcha, Meet Contents Protocol

Contents Protocol
Contents Protocol
Published in
6 min readDec 19, 2018

Greetings from Contents Protocol team!

On Sunday, December 16, Watcha and Contents Protocol team held a meetup with top 0.03% of Watcha and Watcha Play users. Watcha and Watcha Play are the first reference platforms of Contents Protocol. Despite cold weather, over 100 people attended the event.

Many attendees expressed positive feedback at the event: “The event was worth coming as I was able to understand more about Watcha, Watcha Play and Contents Protocol.” Many described Watcha as “innovative” and “cool brand” that is working hard to contribute to the content industry with new blockchain technology. They also expressed great expectation for the new system that will provide compensation on a regular basis, based on their activities.

This was the first time to invite users to explain what new changes would come with blockchain technology in a service with 4.5 million users. Thus, our meetup “Watcha, Meet Contents Protocol” was an event that both blockchain and film community paid close attention to.

CEO of Watcha and Co-CEO of Contents Protocol Taehoon Park kicked off the event. After introducing Watcha’s vision of “Personalize everything” he explained the path Watcha has trodden so far, and the direction to which it will move forward.

Users of Watcha and Watcha Play would think of the image above. However, this is Watcha version 4.0 that was developed after numerous trials and errors. The very first verion 0.5 was like below.

Many of the attendees who have shown love and support for Watcha reflected on how far Watcha has come, from version 0.5 to 4.0. They also shared their own thoughts on how Watcha, Watcha Play and Contents Protocol could progress for the better.

Next, COO of Watcha and Co-CEO of Contents Protocol Alex Won introduced Contents Protocol. Starting off with chronic problems content providers around the world including Hollywood are facing in the premium content industry, Won demonstrated how Contents Protocol will solve the problem and progress with the business.

“Contents Protocol aims to create an environment where content creators can produce better content based on quality consumption and review data,” said Won, explaining the rights and roles of users in the process.

Then came Q&A time. Many asked questions on Watcha, Watcha Play and Contents Protocol. There were many questions on Watcha and Watcha Play features, but there were also a lot of questions on Contents Protocol as shared below.

Q. I was delighted when Watcha added “book” category. Is there any plan to expand to other content categories such as webtoon or music?

A. When we first started Watcha, we considered providing rating and review service on various content categories. However, we decided to build the business first in movies, which is widely popular with the public. As we continued the business for seven years, we identified chronic problem in the overall content industry encompassing movie, drama, TV program and also music, ebook and webtoon.

As blockchain technology emerged, we thought we could solve this problem and launched “Contents Protocol.” Since it would be most feasible to apply Contents Protocol to Watcha and Watcha Play first, we will focus on movie, TV series and VOD market at first. However, we will expand the ecosystem by either creating Watcha branded music, webtoon or ebook platforms or applying Contents Protocol to other third party platforms.

Q. I’m worried that selling user data to content provider means exposing my personal information. I’d like to know if users can choose whether to participate in Contents Protocol or not.

A. To give you an explanation on “personal information,” it means information about an individual that could either directly or indirectly identify the person. Thus, unidentifiable information is not considered personal information. For instance, name, photo or ID number are personal information, but something like “a woman in her 40s who lives in Seoul stopped streaming Love Actually at a specific scene” is not personal information because you cannot identify who the person is with such information.

Of course we will give users the option to opt out of providing data if users do not want to disclose such information. Moreover, personal information will not be shared under any circumstances. Only data on “content consumption” will be “encrypted” and “processed” for record. When sharing the data with content producers, we will provide aggregated data, not data of each person.

Q. How can users provide quality data?

A. Contents Protocol plans to provide “Advanced mode” (name TBD) to collect high-quality consumption data. In case of movie, users can use additional feature on video player to comment on the scenes they’re watching. A global studio actually does something similar by inviting panels offline and having them rate each segment of a pilot episode. We plan to move this procedure online and compensate with tokens. Users of advanced mode will receive more compensation once they provide quality data.

Q. I’m concerned that people would abuse the service to receive compensation in CPT. Do you have any countermeasures to prevent it?

A. Abusive use exists in all services, but the important thing is for the team to consistently monitor and be agile to minimize such negative activities. On that note, Watcha team has been managing abusion for a long time. We already have the technology and know-how to minimize abusion, such as identifying suspicious accounts with algorithm and limiting exposure to other users. Moreover, we will require personal identification process to prevent automated bot accounts. As we continue with the business, we will proactively tackle these problems to prevent any inconvenience to Watcha and Watcha Play users.

After an hour-long Q&A session, fun quiz came along for everyone to enjoy. As dedicated Watcha users are huge movie fans, everyone was so good at answering even difficult questions. We gifted various prizes such as movie tickets, script of famous Korean film The Handmaiden and more. It was great to see everyone getting so excited about movies.

We’ll come back with more good news about the project. Please keep supporting Contents Protocol!


Team Contents Protocol

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Contents Protocol
Contents Protocol

Contents Protocol is a decentralized premium content exchange protocol, powered by WATCHA Inc.