How to write an SEO-optimized article?

Learn how to optimize your articles for search engines.

Przemek Chojecki


**this text was created using, a tool for copywriters**

I’ve been writing articles for a while now, but I’m always looking for ways to improve my content. I have no idea what it takes to get an article published that will generate the results I need (a landing page with leads). So, here are 12 steps I’ve found valuable to get SEO right.

How to write an SEO-optimized article?

12 steps to SEO

  1. Writing is a skill and you have to practice at it. In this day and age, we can find hours of information on how to write well; however, there are only so many hours in a day. So, if you want to master your craft, you need to spend time learning something about it.
  2. Your audience should know exactly what they’re purchasing or paying for. When you create a product, you must think about who comes after you. If you don’t take into account your audience, you won’t be able to develop any type of long-term relationship. The best way to do this is to understand them first.
  3. The more you write, the more readers you attract. You become a better writer when you make sure you talk to other writers as much as possible.
  4. Know your competition. It’s easy to focus on your own…



Przemek Chojecki

AI & crypto, PhD in mathematics, Forbes 30 under 30, former Oxford fellow.