A simple walk through the future of contextual advertising

Marie Malherbe
Context Insights
Published in
4 min readJun 16, 2021

With the end of third party cookies and the rise of contextual advertising, could advertising finally be committed and fair ? Since the launch of Reach for Advertisers, Context aims at helping brands to reach potential clients while being completely privacy friendly.

If you are tired of hearing that each year is the year of video, you might as well cover your ears because 2021 will not fail the rule. To the very contrary, the end of cookies has allowed a new era for video advertising and collateral topics, from viewer’s privacy to scene-level contextualization.

Video advertising is part of our company’s DNA for many reasons :

  • Video represents 82% (and still growing : cisco study) of the web and exists under many various forms, from social media user generated content to streaming services, from video games’ live streams to major publishers networks.
  • Engagement on videos is the highest. In fact, using videos in your marketing strategy increases click rate by 34% versus campaigns without videos (Vidyard). And finally, consumers are more inclined to buy a product after seeing a video about a brand. 65% of them will even buy the product after seeing the video about it on social media.

And that is why we created Reach

But what is Reach exactly ?

Reach allows brands and advertisers to easily create the best video inventories to place their ads. Our inventories are guaranteed safe & suitable and match IAB / GARM market standards.

To do so, Reach allows you to select the publishers you wish to target, the content categories you want to target for your campaign and the level of suitability you are willing to accept. Our in-house technology runs on millions of videos from thousands of publishers worldwide and automates video understanding at scene level.

To match all market standards and allow you to advertise easily whatever your DSP, Reach will give you access to a lot of informations :

  • Get both publishers name and URL
  • Get the URL where the video was displayed
  • Get the list of identified IABs (Based on our algorithms capabilities and the matching IAB classification)
  • Get the list of identified GARM : Alcohol, Nudity etc…

By doing so, a brand or an advertiser can be sure to display its ads on the right videos and to the best audience possible to convert them easily.

How does it work exactly ?

Let’s say that I am a brand promoting zero waste and vegan products. To advertise my brand, I want to reach potential customers that would be interested in my products and touch them at the right moment. To do so I want to target people in contexts that are relevant for my brand. Here are some targeting examples :

  • People watching DIY videos of environmentally friendly product replacements
  • People watching vegan fashion related videos
  • People watching interviews featuring environmentally engaged politics or journalists…or watching videos about engaged products and brands.

And it’s really easy !

Step 1 : I go to https://wearecontext.com/reach/

Step 2 : I select publishers to target and filter by language.

Reach : selection of languages & publishers

Step 3 : I then select points of interest where I want to display my ad. In this case, the following IABs : vegetarian diets, vegan diets, green solutions, natural & organic beauty or food movements.

Reach : Selection of IABs

Step 4 : To finish my search, I choose the sensitive topic I want to avoid. Our algorithms can of course detect the presence of alcohol, nudity, drugs… Or anything that could be harmful for your brand.

Reach : Selection of sensitive topics to be blocked from search

And now the results:

The best videos from thousands of publishers for the ad to be placed are displayed within a few seconds. As a brand, as said earlier, I can find all the details about these videos : their URL, the contextualization (IABs and/or GARMs), the publisher etc.

Reach : Display of the number of impressions your campaign could make
Reach : Display of the videos to target to match your audience
Reach : With the player you can see what was recognized by our algorithms in the videos

Thanks to these, I can use these results directly in a campaign with my regular DSP partner.

Reach for advertisers by Context is a product that both suits brands and consumers needs. On one hand, brands can easily find and choose the most suitable and safest places to spread their message and find potential clients and consumers. On the other hand, these consumers can be targeted and have access to ads matching their interests to have the best online experience without having to share personal data.

2021 will be a game changer in the advertising industry and Contextual is the solution to efficient and engaged advertising in a post-cookie era.

Time to try it by yourself : https://wearecontext.com/reach/

