Continuous Learning Curve (November 2018)

Stefan SUT
colecu - Continuous Learning Curve
3 min readDec 4, 2018


Friday Nov 9

Why Great Managers Matter

Why the world needs deep generalists, not specialists

Monday Nov 12

You’re Not Managing a Team of Software Engineers, You’re Managing a Team of Writers

Just Pick Something — It Will Change Your Life

Why Your Startup Should be More Swedish

Full-stack developers, unicorns and other mythological beings

Give your iOS Simulator superpowers

Introducing AloeStackView for iOS


Pixel — Engine • Editor

The Coolest Things in iOS 12

Server-side Swift: Making Canopy (1/6)

Mattermark Founder On Being Self-Taught In Silicon Valley

UI Testing the Clean Way

Defining Global constants in Swift

Tuesday Nov 13

What’s .self, .Type and .Protocol? Understanding Swift Metatypes

Swift 4: Discardable Result

Creating and Distributing Swift Packages

The SQL vs NoSQL Difference: MySQL vs MongoDB


Spotify Engineering

Wednesday Nov 14

Swift Tip: Custom Views Without Subclassing

Founders Journey

Why Transparency in Business Matters (and How to Get Started)

HotJar: How being a generalist can pay off big time

Backend infrastructure at Spotify

Thursday Nov 15

App Store Connect Swift SDK

Sets in Swift

Replicating Twitter Slide Menu — Part 1 / 2

Advanced Unit Testing in Swift Using Swinject, Quick and Nimble

Static and Dynamic Libraries and Frameworks in iOS

The key differences between SQL and NoSQL DBs

PostgreSQL Vs. MySQL

Lightweight Design Patterns in iOS (Part 1) — Observer


What Most Remote Companies Don’t Tell You About Remote Work

Friday Nov 15


Steve Blank: How To Keep Your Job As Your Startup Grows



Perfect is the Enemy of the Good

Monday Nov 19


Hotjar Remote Jobs

App mistakes: the 10 lessons we learned launching (& killing) our $200K mobile app

How to grow and run a remote business — the Hotjar way

From Maker to Manager: How to Take the Leap

9 lessons learned scaling Hotjar’s tech architecture to handle 21,875,000 requests per hour

Tuesday Nov 20

The Flutter Report


How We Do Team Benefits As a Remote and International Company

Android Clean Architecture Boilerplate

My Morning Routine As A Remote CEO And Why It’s Always Changing

27 Questions to Ask Instead of “What Do You Do?”

Steven Cheng is Buffer’s First Growth Engineer

Deadlocks in PostgreSQL

Deadlocks in Postgres 101

Table Swipe Actions

How We Stay Organized as a Remote Team: Our Fave Trello Boards

Thursday Nov 22

The 5 Ways We Build Trust on a Fully Remote Team and Why It’s So Valuable

Leading Ideas: Buffer’s new Engineering Career Paths Framework

Friday Nov 23

Vapor PostgreSQL


How We Approach And Support Coffee Shop Working

Why You Should Keep Working On Your Bad Idea

The Latest Remote Work Jobs: 600+ Companies Hiring Remotely

Swift Development with Visual Studio Code


Mon Nov 26

Measuring your iOS app’s true startup time in production


Lightweight Design Patterns in iOS (Part 2) — Presenter

Question Your Goals

Swift Algorithm Club

Tuesday Nov 27

Flutter: the good, the bad and the ugly

Dart programming language

Code Structure and Readability Part 4 — Project Structure

Bob Roebling


Wednesday Nov 28

Amazon Machine Learning

Millions of Customers. Billions of Dollars: iOS Architecture at Scale

Paveen Kaler


Dependency Injection in Swift

Nuts and Bolts of Dependency Injection in Swift


Swift dependency injection design pattern

Thursday Nov 29

An open list of apps built with Flutter

Friday Nov 30

Max Howell


My Dale Carnegie Experiments: Putting ‘How to Win Friends’ Into Action

Docker ❤️ Swift & Vapor

Victor Maraccini

Microservices… Serverless… what does it all mean?

GitHub Pages

Easy Documentation for your Swift project using Jazzy

James Rochabrun

