A to Z

Modern public discourse

2 min readDec 3, 2013


Mr.A : I think the earth is flat

Mr. B : Mr.A thinks the earth is flat.

Mr. C : Mr.A and C spoke about how the earth is flat.

Mr. D : Mr.A,B and C say the earth is flat.

Mr. E : 80% of respondents say the earth is flat !

Mr. F : Mr.E reports that a majority of the world thinks the earth is flat !

Mr. G : Two major news outlets are reporting that the earth is flat !!!

Mr. H : In another blow to Obama, it seems that the earth is flat!!

Mr. J : Look at how the right wing crazies are flattening the earth!

Mr. K : We need to protect the earth from getting flattened by human greed.

Mr. L : Flattening the earth is good market economics at work, the state should not intervene.

Mr. M : This is the tragedy of government intervention; they should let us flatten the earth , that’s how jobs are created.

Mr. N : From the Forbes Magazines ‘ Top 10 leadership lessons from flattening the earth

Mr O :Hello, we aren’t the socialist Canadians, exceptional americans only flatten the earth when it belongs to someone else!

Mr. P : We are here to discuss ‘Flattening the earth — Racism, Race and Southern Supremacy’

Mr. Q : Ashton Kutcher tweeted on how cool Flat Earth Tech is — Seems like he took a stake in them

Mr. S : Marc Benioff & Larry Ellison agree that false clouds are floating over roach motels on ‘Flat Earth’

Mr. T : Friedman corrects Mr.A — ‘ The world is flat’

Mr. U : Damn those globalization pundits, from flat earth to flat worlds.

Mr. V : Damn you communists, Mr.U.

Mr. W : Where’s my Walmart?

Mr. X : Where’s my caviar?

Mr. Y : Flat world calls for Big Data; Chinese manufacturing flattens Africa & more news from the flattened egos of the world!

Mr. Z : ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz

