Maida Barrientos
CTB Contrib
Published in
2 min readOct 3, 2017

Press release,

Initial CONTRIBUTION Offering


MIAMI, FL — Digital Currency and Blockchain technology are creating exciting new opportunities while forcing ALL companies to analyze how they operate their business going forward. We are witnessing a revolutionary leap in technology and economics, not unlike the Industrial Revolution.

The assimilation of new methods of value exchange around assets (in this case, digital),decentralization (emerging ideas), and economics like cryptocurrency, represents a new revolution. Ahead of this curve is CONTRIB with its announcement of a blockchain based crypto token, CTB, a transparent contribution platform backed by premium digital assets on the blockchain.

“When we purchased back in 1999, it was hard to imagine what that future would look like,” shares Folkening, who transitioned to full-time in digital real estate 20 years ago and a lead consultant for CONTRIB. “But now digital currency is creating and changing global markets at lighting speed. With CONTRIB’s asset backed currency, CTB is going to revolutionize value creation, distribution and automations with a goal of becoming a top 10 cryptocurrency by end of 2020.”

CONTRIB manages over 22,000 URL’s, with a vision of facilitating autonomous running companies around premium urls. The digital currency platform CONTRIB, (CTB) is providing a means of value creation and measurement for the network of assets and its members who can only access the tools and resources with CTB.

“Anything that has value and can be measured, can be a currency,” states Folkening.

Blockchain and Crypto with the proprietary list of digital assets managed by CONTRIB and its VNOC platform is a game changer and the market is getting wind of how and why CONTRIB is unique and valuable.

Visit for more information and earn some digital currency with



Maida Barrientos
CTB Contrib

Live everyday with purpose and meaning. Believer of tech, blockchain, and lead Contributor for Contrib.