If a Back Car Light Blows Out, You Get a Ticket

Gail Nobles_Word News
Control in the World
1 min readSep 19, 2014

Sometimes I really don’t agree with the laws of man. A co-worker saved me some trouble oneday. I did not know that one of my back lights from my car had blown out. He was following behind me when I put on brakes, and he was kind enough to let me know. How was I to know when I could not see the back of the car while driving? The police will stop you and give you a ticket. I think that if you are stopped, you should be warned to get a new bulb for your car right then. The police should put some kind of sticker on your car, or maybe we could put a note in the window to let the police know that we know that our back lights are out and on the way to get it fixed. Why get a ticket? I can understand getting a ticket if you knew and it took too long for you to do something about it. Thank you Jesus for looking out for me and sending an extra pair of eyes.

