Week 13/2020. Plan and Manage It Productively

András Farkas
Allyourtime Now
Published in
3 min readMar 22, 2020
Another week with the same format just starts, no matter of the challenging times we all are living together. Make it count. Photo by the author.

There is a not foreseen reality we are witnessing just now because of the ongoing pandemic which is or will change our habits, behavior and human interaction for the upcoming weeks, or maybe even months and years. We are certainly living special times when our resilience is being seriously tested.

However, one thing doesn’t change. Times does not stop. Week 13 of 2020 has just started and one way or another we will go through it. So, lets try to take control of it as much as we can.

Check out: From 1 to 10, How Was Your Week? Evaluate

Key Goals

Set your mind on the key issues you want to go through with during the upcoming week. Although you might be able to focus on several topics, it is helpful if you will focus on no more than 3 key issues.

Allyourtime Weekly Canvas. Photo by the author.

Other Goals

Besides key aspects, you might have other ones, too. But these are not as vital as the first ones. Still, you want to keep an eye on how all of these are dealt with, too. Make a list of them and make it possible to have them in sight, when needed.

Not the least, do not forget that issues coming from your surroundings might also unbalance your initial plan, so be mindful of leaving some open space for other incoming important or urgent matters, too.

Check for tips on managing a working day, too.

Photo by Hannah Jacobson on Unsplash

Continue from last week

There is a high chance that you did not go through with all your foreseen goals from last week. Review them and take them on board. If this is your first ever weekly plan, then just dig into your memories of the last week. Consider especially aspect which you thought of maybe Friday or on Sunday which where bothering you as being unsolved. Those are the things you want to be mentioned in this section.

Photo by the author.

Key moment(s) of your upcoming week

While this specific pandemic might eliminate any possible key moment from the upcoming week, be mindful of this, too. Or, even better, if you do not expect any key moment coming up, then set yourself some of these. It could be a vital deadline, or it can be a feedback or a result you are waiting for a longer time. Anything that might have a single strong influence on how your week unfolds.

Daily focus

Focusing on key deadlines or meetings on any given day of the week is also paramount. Photo by the author.

Try to define what would be the things which would have a high priority for you during various days of the week. This helps you keeping focus during the week. For example, if you have a deadline coming up on a report, a request or you have a special meeting, you know that day or the day before needs to be about preparing for that special issue. So, be mindful on specific time and focus needed for that topic.

Add some special perks, if you wish

This sketch is just a proposal. Feel free to improve and to add sections. For example, you could add one good deed you would like to do for others than yourself.

And here you are, you have now a clear picture about what you want from your upcoming week. Let’s meet on Friday to prepare the evaluation of our plan. Enjoy, as much as possible.



András Farkas
Allyourtime Now

Co-founder of allyourtime, a startup. Founder and Strategic Director of PONT Group, Cluj-based social innovation organization. Urban youth ecosystem developer.