DRIP Network — Is an Example of what -not- to do in DeFi

Examining the Pitfalls and Lessons of a Failed DeFi Experiment

Liam M
Controversial Crypto & Tech


Foto von GEORGE DESIPRIS: https://www.pexels.com/de-de/foto/selektives-foto-von-grey-shark-726478/

Forex Shark is regarded as one of the best devs in DeFi. His loyal followers believe he is the answer to all of their finacial worries. They continue to believe this, regardless of his inability to keep his promises.Maybe Forex wants to see the DRIP Network collapse? It would remove the burden of listening to investors constantly asking WEN UTILITY.

The collapse would free him up to move onto another groundbreaking project, which will probably fail like his previous ventures.

Look, I honestly thought Drip was something amazing. I started as a FUDDER, then I converted. I aped into DRIP Network on a good old-fashioned gamble. I knew the risks. After all, anything that promises more than 1% APY is too good to be true. Let alone 1% daily.

Greed overtook my rational thought as I began dreaming about passive income and an easy life.

I eagerly watched as investment increased by 1% daily. I was hooked. The allure of earning more Drip tokens and the possibility of the price exploding was too much to resist.

I got caught up in the hype. I was too blinded by greed to see the warning signs.



Liam M
Controversial Crypto & Tech

I grew up as a black bag, but now I identify as human. Top writer in; cryptocurrency, finance, sobriety, addiction, & bitcoin