this is your life

Scott Scrivner
Convergence Community
3 min readFeb 12, 2017

[my year in review station 15]

Listen to the song and read through the lyrics.

Underline the word or phrase that stand out as you listen.

Augustines ‘This Is Your Life’ (2016)

I ran till I was out of breath

I guess God took off again

And left me standing there in his tail lights

Life ain’t always roses

And every door that closes

Makes the fist in my heart come to life

Maybe we just got left here waiting

for something that will never come

But you got fight sometimes for anything in this life

Or just do what they taught you

Work all your life and then die

Then die, then die

This is your life

This is your life

Well, this is your life

You just forgot it in yourself

But you’re alright

You’re alright

I hope we meet again

But you forgot, my friend

How the world looked to us when we were young

The summer seemed so long

The radio played your favorite song

I guess we just got lost from where we started from

Maybe we’ll pull ourselves together

Burn forever in some fading summer night

But you got to find sometimes for anything in this life

Just forgot it in yourself,

but you’re alright

You’re alright

Hey you’re alright

Go ahead and knock me down my friend,

’cause I’ll just get back up again

Knock me down my friend,

I’ll just get back up again . . .

It seems the song is referring to the hope or dream one has. What dream or hope did it stir in you?

In what way was the past year a furthering of some desire, dream, or goal you have held deep inside?

Or was the past year more of a derailing or disheartening of that dream?

What might it mean to get back up? Is that a REASSESSMENT of dreams and hopes? Is it a REASSERTION of some original dreams and hopes? Or is it moving BEYOND some expectation that is holding you back from being present in your life?

Write a simple prayer asking God for the courage to REASSESS a deep desire or REASSERT a dream or MOVE BEYOND an expectation.

Now to the God who can do so many awe-inspiring things, immeasurable things, things greater than we ever could ask or imagine through the power at work in us, to Him be all glory in the church and in Jesus the Anointed from this generation to the next, forever and ever. Amen.

— Ephesians 3:20–21 (VOICE)

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Scott Scrivner
Convergence Community

design + art + faith + deconstruction /// designer + author + pastor + teacher /// husband + father + friend + neighbor /// OKC, OK