Convergence’s Liquidity Rewards Program Step-by-Step Guide

Convergence Finance
Convergence Finance
4 min readApr 3, 2021

Reward / Distribution Rules:

  • Staking rewards are calculated in proportion to your deposited Uniswap liquidity
  • Both LP tokens (CONV/ ETH and CONV/ USDT) will be deposited into the same pool
  • Total reward estimation is 48,384,000 CONV, with about 12,096,000 CONV to be distributed each week
  • Allocation tokens will be locked upon ConvX launch
  • LP tokens can be unstaked anytime one week ahead of ConvX launch
  • Rewards will be released under weekly vesting scheduled for 6 months after ConvX launch

Please ensure you check the contract address to avoid any scams:

CONV token address:

Link to add liquidity to CONV / ETH on Uniswap Pool:

Link to add liquidity to CONV / USDT on Uniswap Pool:

Link to our pre staking program (Live from 4th April, 00:00 UTC):

How to Participate:

In this case, we illustrate the steps using the CONV / ETH pair. There are three main steps to take part in the staking program. First, you must provide liquidity on the CONV / ETH pool on Uniswap, then stake your CONV-ETH-LP-UNI-V2 token into our platform.

  1. Provide liquidity on Uniswap:

a. Go to the Uniswap CONV / ETH liquidity pool with the link below: []

b. Connect your wallet via MetaMask and make sure you are on Ethereum mainnet.

c. Enter the amount of ETH and CONV that you want to provide for liquidity.

d. Approve and sign the transactions.

e. Confirm the supply and sign the second transaction.

f. Uniswap will then mint the CONV-ETH-LP-UNI-V2 tokens to your wallet.

2. Stake LP tokens:

a. Visit (Live from 4th April, 00:00 UTC)

b. Connect your wallet via MetaMask and make sure that you are connected with Ethereum Mainnet.

c. Click ‘Select’ to expand the input box.

d. Enter the Stake Amount you wish to stake. You can simply click ‘Max’ to put all your available LP tokens under this pool. Click ‘Approve’ to approve transferring UNI V2 LP tokens in your wallet.

e. Click ‘Stake’ and confirm the staking transaction on your MetaMask.

f. Once the staking transaction goes through you will be able to check your LP Token Staked and CONV Earned.

Note that LP tokens can be unstaked at any time one week ahead of ConvX launch by visiting (Live from 4th April, 00:00 UTC), connecting your wallet and clicking ‘Unstake’.

3. Claim rewards:

a. All CONV rewards are locked up for claiming until the Convergence Mainnet launch, rewards will be claimable upon ConvX launch and under weekly vesting scheduled for 6 months.

b. More details will be released after ConvX launch.

Convergence Team

About Convergence Finance

Convergence is the first AMM to make private token interchangeable in the DeFi space by fractionalizing them using a single easy-to-use interface and composable with other DeFi protocols. Convergence enables originators to take advantage of DeFi’s liquidity, while DeFi users can access exotic private exposure unavailable to them before. Convergence Finance combines the edge of a lowered investment entry barrier with the liquidity, automation, and transparency features of DeFi to bring exclusive investment exposure to all DeFi users.

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