Bridging vision and reality: Design leadership challenges and insight

Fearless’s Design Tea series — Martin Dowson

Roman Schoeneboom
Conversations with Leaders
3 min read3 days ago


Design Tea is a conversation series by Fearless, a full-service design agency, where design leaders explore the evolving challenges within the industry. In this episode, Martin Dowson, an experienced design professional, and Laura Baker, Global Design Director, delve into the complexities of aligning visionary design with business goals. Through insightful dialogue, they provide valuable takeaways for design leaders aiming to create meaningful impact in their organisations while navigating the ever-changing demands of corporate environments.

The challenge of articulating design’s value

A key theme of the conversation was the difficulty design leaders encountered in demonstrating the value of design to the broader organisation. Martin observed that many struggled to communicate their impact effectively. While design teams often focused on long-term, human-centred needs, businesses typically operated on shorter, quarterly, or annual objectives. This created a disconnect between design leadership and other executives. Martin remarked, “Sometimes when that happens, I created a disconnect as a leader between me and my peers or my superiors who didn’t recognise how far I was pushing and stretching that vision.”

Prioritising business needs

Martin emphasised that design leaders needed to be mindful of their stakeholders and prioritise the organisation’s immediate needs. He explained that design leaders frequently pushed for changes that the business was not ready to implement, leading to frustration. “If you want to be on that team, you have to have a fundamental lever that makes a difference to the impact of the business,” he stated, underscoring the importance of aligning design goals with business outcomes.

Accountability and influence

The conversation further addressed the issue of accountability within design teams. Martin pointed out that many design teams lacked clear accountability, which limited their influence within the company. He suggested that design leaders must understand their role in the broader business context, recognising that they needed to balance their visionary thinking with practical business considerations.

The right leader for the right time

Another key insight was the importance of hiring the right design leader for the specific phase of an organisation’s development. Martin explained that, in times of change, some companies had employed interim leaders to help define the design role before hiring someone permanent. He noted that a successful design leader needed “impact, investment, measurement, purpose, accountability, craft, and tenacity” in order to navigate the complexities of their role.

Insights for aspiring design leaders

The conversation concluded with valuable advice for design leaders aiming to make a meaningful impact. Martin stressed the need for design leaders to ensure they had the right support and clarity from their superiors and to align their visionary design ambitions with the practical needs of the business.

#conversations-with-leaders is a collection by Roman Schoeneboom that delves into the multifaceted nature of leadership. It offers a rich tapestry of perspectives on #leadership, #management, and #personal growth.

Rooted in the Old English words “laédan” (to lead) and “léod” (people or nation), leadership has evolved from guiding groups to influencing and motivating individuals toward shared goals. From the Middle English “ledere” to today’s complex work environments, diverse leadership styles offer unique approaches to guiding others.



Roman Schoeneboom
Conversations with Leaders

DesignOps Specialist at Siemens Smart Buidlings, Certified LEGO Serious Play facilitator, keynote speaker, social democrat, avid drummer