Recommendation Tuesday: Fortress Malta

Paul Grech
Conversation Pieces [Malta]
1 min readMay 31, 2017

Recommendation Tuesday: Fortress Malta by James Holland
Genre: History

As the years pass then so too does the memory of World War II fade away, fusing into the other events that people read about in history books without feeling any personal connection to. This is in part a good thing as it is the surest sign that any emotional wounds have healed but it is also means that the lessons of history can be forgotten as well.

Fortress Malta is a good anti-dote for that. It talks about World War II not in a detached manner but by looking at the stories of those individuals who fought so valiantly to ensure that Malta held out regardless of what was thrown at it. Diligently researched and brilliantly written, it manages to bring those dark days to life.



Paul Grech
Conversation Pieces [Malta]

Eager to make a difference. Lover of books, movies, music and football. Not necessarily in that order.