Recommendation Tuesday: Mhux Nies

Paul Grech
Conversation Pieces [Malta]
1 min readApr 25, 2017

Recommendation Tuesday: Mhux Nies by Jean Paul Borg
Genre: Memoir / Short Stories

You can tell that a book is going to be good when the first thing you read — in the acknowledgements page — is this: għal ommi u missieri, tawni xkaffa kotba ħafna akbar mit-televixin tagħhom (dedicated to my mother and father who gave me a bookshelf much larger than their television).

Mhux Nies doesn’t disappoint. Jean Paul Borg has the ability to talk in different voices and imbues life into otherwise mundane settings. They take you through a number of emotions and, even though as with any collection of stories there will be some that resonate more than others, like a childhood memory they will stay with you for long after you turn over the final page.



Paul Grech
Conversation Pieces [Malta]

Eager to make a difference. Lover of books, movies, music and football. Not necessarily in that order.