The Conversation Pieces’ Manifesto

Paul Grech
Conversation Pieces [Malta]
2 min readDec 22, 2016

Conversation Pieces is driven by the belief that there is a real desire to talk about literature and the creativity that fuels it.

Conversation Pieces will be a live experience at it’s core, bringing together writers with their audiences through book reading sessions.

Our belief is that when people are brought into contact with literature their appreciation for it flourishes. They can see that words are not confined to the pages on which they are printed but are living and breathing phenomena that stay with them.

Yet Conversation Pieces will also be an online being that will bring authors to people’s attention and talk about their everyday inspirations. It will be entertaining, if you like this sort of thing. We believe that you will.

Conversation Pieces will also try to be the home of new work and fresh authors who find it difficult to publish their work elsewhere.

Whatever money is raised through Conversation Pieces will go to charity; ideally invested in projects related to literature but not necessarily. The ambition is to make a real difference whether it is through funding the work of new authors, helping projects that encourage writing or simply building up the stock of fresh books at libraries. If it involves writing and the greater good, we’re interested.

We want to talk about these Conversation Pieces. And Conversation Pieces will be something that we’re certain you will want to talk about.

Do so right now. Get in touch.

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Paul Grech
Conversation Pieces [Malta]

Eager to make a difference. Lover of books, movies, music and football. Not necessarily in that order.