The Purpose For Writing

I write, to create.

Raj Menon
The Curated Café
2 min readJan 25, 2017


Photo by Alice Achterhof on Unsplash

As creators of written work, it isn’t enough that we fight over our mental blocks to get our thoughts out into words, then massage the message to make the idea flow into the readers minds and hearts, often challenged by the limited attention span of most readers. We realize that hitting the Publish button to breathe life into our creation is just the beginning.

My first blog was hosted on WordPress like most of us blogger turned writers. There is still a very big WP active community of diehard bloggers but for me it turned into a messy interface with a plugin bias. My focus often shifted to site building and seldom on writing. They say: 34% of the internet is powered by them — really? 🤔

Remember Tumblr? It was a very promising blogging platform alternative to WordPress defaulters like me until the new Yahoo family adopted it and we tumbled downhill real fast. Talk about bad parenting. Check out Tumblr today — acts like a blog, functions like Instagram and ends up as another wannabe reddit. What it really is — a sad story.

The blogging platform we choose is the incubator for our writing, where we nourish it vigorously for strength through the process of editing and ready it to enter the real world to deliver our message to the masses.

I chose this Medium where the life of a post is richer due to the organic views it gets from an active and collaborative community. The interface, which resembles a clean white piece of paper to create digital impressions of words, seems to be designed to fuel the passions of a writer.

But I am not a writer. I am just passionate about creating… and I write to create.

The distinction between Writers and Creators is an important one to clarify. The writers of the past, the Gods of writing, used their power of words to give hope and inspire a war-torn world. True writers are ideologist thinkers who shaped the world that we know today, and shapes the future we will know to be.

“My Life Though A Lens”

The rest of us, we are Creators. Just like every artist is not a Painter or a Musician, every writer is not a Writer. But we all create in our own way. Although it may seem increasing difficult to shape anyone’s thinking these days, we can still inspire our followers with the power of our words.

That’s why we absolutely need to write.



Raj Menon
The Curated Café

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