Who is God?

Mark Maloney
Conversations with Carter
3 min readMay 15, 2013


That’s a very good question pal. Curious people have been asking this same question for as long as people have been able to ask questions. Unfortunately, they come up with lots of different answers. That’s why there are so many different ways that people understand God.

And if everyone comes up with different answers, then no one can be right, can they?


Exactly. And don’t let anyone tell you that they know exactly who God is. Because they wouldn’t be telling you the truth. And, unfortunately, people are willing to fight and kill other people over their certainty.

That’s not right.

I agree buddy. But that’s how it is. But there is another way to look at things. For instance, instead of fighting over why one person is right and one person is wrong, why don’t we look for the patterns of similarity among everyone’s understanding. That kinda makes more sense doesn’t it.

That’s what I would do.

Me too. And what everyone seems to agree on is that God is “ultimate”.

What does “ultimate” mean?

Ultimate means that that there is nothing outside of God. God is everything. To think about God as anything other than ultimate would be like telling God who God is. And I would never think that I was so smart that I could tell God anything. Especially not who He is. Yikes!

According to the Bible, God tells us that his name is Yahweh which means “I Am That I Am”. Other people have other names of God, like Vishnu or Allah, but they all agree that God is everything. God is. There is nothing outside of God. Mathematicians call this kind of thing an infinity. For me, God is the infinity of infinities. God defines the limit of everything.

I don’t understand.

Ha! Me neither. Let me put it to you another way. Your body is made of cells right? Trillions and trillions of cells. You can see them under a microscope.

I know that.

Well. All of those cells make up you, right? But do you think that one muscle cell in your left big toe understands what you are thinking?


Of course not. But that doesn’t mean that it is less a part of you.

And you know what else? That tiny little muscle cell in your toe contains the same exact information inside of it that every other cell in your body has. All of them. Trillions and trillions. They all have the same DNA. You’ve probably heard of that. So, even though it looks different that a cell in your brain and does different stuff than one of your blood cells, it’s still you. It’s capable of being any part of you. And even if it doesn’t fully understand “You”, it’s still you.


Now imagine every bit of everything that was ever or will ever be created. It’s all part of God. YOU are part of God. We all are. Everything is.


I agree buddy. I agree completely.



Mark Maloney
Conversations with Carter

Long time designer of things digital. Dyslexia advocate. Lifelong Baltimorean. Former diabetes & obesity researcher. Believer in truth, love and house music.