Meet Agni NY Founder, Thureiyya Rodriguez

Chandra Gore
Conversations with Chan
8 min readMar 29, 2021

I love to see others succeed. There is nothing more than to see people overcome their obstacles and achieve something great in their life. — Dr. Thureiyya Rodriguez, DHA, MSN, WOCN

Thureiyya Rodriguez, DHA, MSN, WOCN is the founder/owner of Agni NY. Based in New York, Thureiyya has been a Registered Nurse for 18 years with a specialty in wound, ostomy, and continence care. Thureiyya recently graduated with a Doctorate Healthcare Administration and has worked in leadership for more than 3 years. She has had Crohn’s Disease for 36 years and a permanent ileostomy for 22 years. Agni NY was created out of an inspiration to share her personal and professional experiences with others. Both experiences have taught her the importance of managing stress and how stress can have a negative impact on health if not controlled. Thureiyya believes stress reduction can be beneficial with the body’s healing process and coping with personal challenges. She makes an effort to choose products with minimal ingredients, hand crafted, and/or made by local female artisans. Her products are designed for the person interested in living a holistic lifestyle. Holistic living is the balance of the mind, body, and spirit for wholeness. Agni NY is currently raising funds for development of her business on the ifundwomen platform. The store is a precursor to her long-term goal to invest into rebuilding communities. She believes it is important to provide educational tools to communities with poor resources for sustainable economic growth.

Now if we can, I’d like to go way back for a little while. Where did you grow up?

I grew in Georgetown, SC until the age of 8 and then my family moved to Texas. I always lived near the beach and in the south. It was relaxed and my life always involved the beach. I spent my time fishing and doing outdoor activities. As an adult, I appreciate the laid back lifestyle I had as a kid. In high school, the focus was on which college I was going to attend and getting my mother to get me a car.

What inspired your entrepreneurial journey ?

My mother inspired my initial entrepreneurial journey. She always said to make sure at some point in my life that I work for myself. My personal and professional experience led me into wanting to develop a business of my own. I always felt I had the skill set to be a leader and develop a prosperous business.

Tell me about what problem your business solves?

My business solves the issue of not being able to relax as a step towards overcoming challenges and improving one’s ability to heal. When the mind and body are in a relaxed state, the individual has the ability to think clearly and make decisions on how to overcome any challenges they are facing. If someone is ill, it is difficult for healing to occur when the body is in a stressful state. Wellness begins with relaxation.

What do you define as failure?

I have changed my thoughts over the years about the word “failure”. People do not have failures, instead there are moments when the goals that one was trying to achieve does not occur due to various circumstance. This is the best definition I can relate to “failure”

What have you felt you have failed at? What might you have done to prevent those failures?

I have made multiple attempts to develop a business and it did not work out as planned. After looking back on the reason for the outcome, I realized part of it was not having a team and a business plan. I had a vision, but I did not have the right resources, a plan, or mentors to teach me about business and daily operations. It was a learning experience which I value today.

What kind of impact do you want your product to leave on your customer?

At the end I want my customers to feel relaxed and happy with themselves. I want them to feel like they can take on life’s challenges and overcome them without feeling overwhelmed. That no matter what, they can take a step back and evaluate a situation, and make changes for their happiness. To feel good after using the products or have more awareness after reading my blogs. To just feel life has beauty in chaos.

What is your why? Why you did you start your journey?

I started this journey because of my experiences with chronic illness and my professional experience as I nurse. The use of aromatherapy helped me to overcome my anxiety and restlessness during painful episodes of the Crohn’s Disease. I grew up being hospitalized for several months at a time throughout my childhood and adult life. The use of candles and massage helped me during these times. I want to share and give back to others. I have cared for patients with severe wounds, pain, and on hospice. Despite their challenges, there was always a moment to smile. I remember I cared for a patient with edematous legs. Each shift, I would sit and get the lotion to massage his legs. At the end, he would smile and be more relaxed. These are the moments I live for in my career and now.

What hurdles did you personally face and how did you overcome them?

I have had Crohn’s disease for 36 years. I have had multiple surgeries and hospitalizations. And a few times where the staff did not think I would pull through because I was ill. Crohn’s disease is my daily challenge and I overcome the stress associated with the illness by evaluating my lifestyle. I do not accept things that have no basis in my life. I meditate, incorporate different scents into my home, exercise, and laugh. I cannot take life too serious because I know the flip side of the coin and the face of near death. Living life is more important to me than complaining about it. My challenges are my asset in life. It has made into the person that I am today.

Do you feel your product met the needs of the market at the time of conception? Does it still?

The onset of the pandemic has heighten the need for people to take a moment out for themselves and relax. The stress from the changes in our democracy and the events with COVID-19 are a need for alternative approaches to relaxation, which my products provide.

When did you realize entrepreneurship was right for you?

I realized entrepreneurship was right for me around my 20s. When I entered the workforce, I constantly saw visions of myself being a leader and not an employee.

Why did you choose entrepreneurship?

I choose entrepreneurship because it not only allows freedom to develop my ideas without a limit. I can make my career, business, and lifestyle into anything I choose. There are no barriers or limits to my ideas.

What advice do you have for entrepreneurs and small business owners who may not be achieving their goals?

Do not give up, it will happen if you are open to advice and changes. If you are not achieving your goals then look at why it is not happening. Ask yourself what are you missing, do you need to change your team, is this the right field for your success. Sometimes we open businesses in areas that are not meant for us and it is only for us to learn for the next venture. But if we cannot let go when need, we may be short changing ourselves for something greater. No success occurs without loss, how should you ever learn to grow.

What would you say is your most driving motivation to keep doing what you to do?

The desire to meet my goals and knowing I can do it.

What are you most excited or passionate about? (In both business and life or both)

I love to see others succeed. There is nothing more than to see people overcome their obstacles and achieve something great in their life.

What are the goals you most want to accomplish in your business? What are the goals that you hold personally?

I want to build communities that underserved. I aim to provide tools and resources to communities with limited resources for sustainable growth

Did you have any key mentors or people who deeply influenced who you are, what you believe in and what you’re committed to in your work and life? Tell me about them.

My grandmothers and mother influenced me. Each of them were leaders in their career. My mother’s mom was the 1st black head nurse in an all white hospital. She was known for work ethics, leadership, and quality of care. My dad’s mother was a school teach. Both women were born and raised in the south. Their children were given the luxury of going to boarding schools and college. My mother was a registered nurse who eventually owned her own business. They shaped my values about life and my mission. Each of them taught me the importance of sharing knowledge and building up others.

Did you have any life-changing experiences that put you on the path that led you to be doing what you’re doing today? Tell me about them.

My life-changing experience occurred when I graduated with a Master’s Degree in Nursing. After graduation, I felt the desire for more. I knew I wanted to be a business owner that shared information with others. I would go to work and in my mind say, this cannot be my life for the next 30 years. I choose to go back to school once more for a Doctorate in Healthcare Administration. I made this decision with the notion I will own my own company and put all my experiences into this company.

What’s next for you in your business? What can readers look forward to from you?

Amazing changes are coming. I am building my product line with signature products that are custom curated with the skin in mind. As the proceeds grow, I have plans to put a portion of the revenue into my community. Working with the community center to provide education to my neighborhood.

Is there anything else you would like to share with me?

I am currently running a campaign on Ifundwomen to raise money for the business. When you contribute to my campaign a portion of the funds will go back to ifundwomen for their financial grant programs to business women in need. When you purchase from Agni NY you are not just purchasing a product, you are purchasing a journey. The products are created by female artisans and in the end Agni NY is on mission to support community development for sustainability. You can Donate to the Ifundwomen campaign via this link

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Chandra Gore
Conversations with Chan

Principal Consultant & Publicist for Chandra Gore Consulting. Author, Speaker, Producer, Community Organizer and Festival Founder — Serial Entrepreneur