Meet Chief Happiness Guide, Michael Overlie

Chandra Gore
Conversations with Chan
4 min readOct 15, 2021

I help men with dogs find peace, love, and passion. — Michael Overlie

Michael Overlie is a lifelong dog fanatic. He has had a gift of connecting with animals since he was a small child. Dogs have been with him most of his life, giving him gifts and teaching him lessons. His greatest breakthrough was after the death of his brother. While grieving this loss, he was fully awakened to his own potential and the gifts our animals bring to our lives. Now he helps other men awaken to the gifts available to them from their dogs. He has dedicated himself to assisting men and their dogs discover their path to living a life of purpose, being extraordinary. Remembering. This is Michael’s purpose, his mission on this Earth.

Now if we can, I’d like to go way back for a little while. Where did you grow up?

I grew up in a number of different places. It was difficult to move around as I never felt like I fit in. Making friends was challenging as well as I didn’t know how long we would stay in one place.

What inspired your entrepreneurial journey or event?

The love and lessons of my dogs were a long-time gift. These went unrecognized for many years until I was wakened by the death of my brother.

Tell me about what problem your service solves?

I help men with dogs find peace, love, and passion. They create exceptionally, purpose-filled lives.

What do you define as a failure?

The inability to learn from a situation.

What have you felt you have failed at? What might you have done to prevent those failures?

Continually fighting against my inner knowing and compassion for others. If I had been able to see the inner child of others sooner, I would have acted from a different place.

What kind of impact do you want your product book to leave on your reader?

I want my book to help people start to question their existence and leave them asking the deep questions that lead to healing themselves.

What is your why? Why did you start your journey?

I realized how much our dogs are trying to teach us, to show us. I want to help others discover these amazing lessons of love, acceptance, and the truth of who we really are.

What hurdles did you personally face and how did you overcome them?

Suicidal ideation as a young teen after my parents split. Two arrests, a drinking problem, and a bad marriage, the death of my brother. I overcame them by tapping into something deep inside me, a place that my dogs had led me to. I didn’t do anything by myself, I was loved and supported.

Do you feel your product met the needs of the market at the time of conception? Does it still?

It is a new business and book but will create a huge impact, helping to change the thinking of many.

When did you realize entrepreneurship was right for you?

After the death of my brother. I realized that I needed to do something differently

Why did you choose entrepreneurship?

I need to do things wayyyy outside the box.

What advice do you have for entrepreneurs and small business owners who may not be achieving their goals?

Slow down. Get reacquainted with your why and begin again.

What would you say is your most driving motivation to keep doing what you to do?

Love. Helping others know and feel that they are loved, deeply.

What are you most excited or passionate about? (In both business and life or both)

Dogs, love, and truth!

What are the goals you most want to accomplish in your business? What are the goals that you hold personally?

I want to grow my business so that I can have a large impact on the men in this world. I want them to know they are enough, as they are. I want to feel loved, compassionate and grateful, and of service.

Did you have any key mentors or people who deeply influenced who you are, what you believe in, and what you’re committed to in your work and life? Tell me about them.

Obviously, my dogs were deeply influential in my life. Each one had a different personality and brought different gifts in general. As for humans? Steve Chandler, Rich Litvin, and Jason Goldberg are three amazing men who chose to do life differently as well. Each had their own hurdles/hurts but decided to come from another place- of service to others. This is a driving factor in my life as well.

Did you have any life-changing experiences that put you on the path that led you to be doing what you’re doing today? Tell me about them.

Suicidal ideation as a young teen after my parents split. Two arrests, a drinking problem, and a bad marriage, the death of my brother.

What’s next for you in your brand? What can readers look forward to from you?

Growth and service. I want to serve the hell out of anyone that needs my help. Readers can look forward to a more no-nonsense, honest, and loving presence.

Learn more about Michael by visiting his website and following him on social media: LinkedIn | Facebook | Linktree



Chandra Gore
Conversations with Chan

Principal Consultant & Publicist for Chandra Gore Consulting. Author, Speaker, Producer, Community Organizer and Festival Founder — Serial Entrepreneur