Meet Owner and Founder Shanice Love

Chandra Gore
Conversations with Chan
5 min readSep 1, 2021

Celebrate your milestones and compare yourself to no one. — Shanice Love

Shanice Love was born in Miami, Florida the oldest of three children born to Haitian parents. She was always ambitious and reliable keeping with the firstborn trait and always a natural leader. Shanice was born into a family where the patriarch and matriarch functioned in the tradition of their former Island home, Haiti, ruling with an iron fist and not giving way to modern practices and beliefs when it came to their home. The home was filled with love and encouragement not based on an image but the world outside of her home gave a message contradictory, the meeting of those two places is where she would be forced to define herself for herself, putting to rest some things and bringing forth a new life through others.​

When asked about this period in her life and the significance it holds to the woman she is still becoming she responds, “Suffering from depression and not understanding what was draining my energy and stealing my joy was unbearable. No more no less, during the times of my pre-teen and teenage years, depression and mental illness were not something discussed it was not believed to affect people of my descent, I was struggling with accepting my sexuality, I am a lesbian. I was struggling with accepting my body changes, I was developing, becoming a woman, I was blind to what was wrong, and therefore I delayed my healing process. I could not become the person I was destined to become because I did not know who I was; I simply existed so I needed to find out what it was like to live, my rebirth started with acceptance.”

Shanice accepted that the perception society holds of one does not have to become one's reality and her self-image would not be bound in insecurities because of how she was perceived or put into a box by society. She became educated on the subject matter of depression and used her vulnerabilities about herself to empowering her to become a catalyst for change. She is the phoenix, self-doubt was put to rest, and self-assurance and self-love were birthed, out of the ashes rose, First Lady Truth.

Now if we can, I’d like to go way back for a little while. Where did you grow up? What was it like to grow up in Miami, Florida?
I grew up in a very strict home. Both my parents were immigrants in the Country at the time of my birth. I was raised to believe that if you don’t work, you don’t eat, and as you can imagine that is the foundation of my life.

What inspired your entrepreneurial journey or event?
I believe that that I’ve always suffered from the “black woman hero syndrome”. Being the eldest of six kids I felt it was my responsibility to take care of that family and that meant hustling to make ends meet. My parents weren’t poor but we didn’t have everything we wanted. Watching them break their backs every day motivated me to say, I want more.

Tell me about what problem your business solves?
Loyalty Enterprise is the only one of its kind. We represent the underrepresented one brand at a time. I’m my eyes the Black Woman is the most disrespected in the world and the Black Masculine Presenting Woman is the most ignored.

What do you define as a failure?
Failure, like everything else in this world, is a mindset. One that I don’t subscribe to.

What have you felt you have failed at? What might you have done to prevent those failures?
My failures have been in relationships. I’ve always given my all to my success, even if that meant doing it alone. I’ve failed to see my light when it was shinning the brightest and I’ve failed to celebrate my milestones.

What kind of impact do you want your service to leave on your client?
I want us to be seen. I want mainstream Americans to no longer look through us! Black women! Black lesbians!

What is your why? Why did you start your journey?
I was tired of being invisible in a room full of people. I wanted to look around and see others that looked just like me!

What hurdles did you personally face and how did you overcome them?
We live in a very superficial and vain world. Beauty and sex sales. I live for the day when your talents were the first thing they saw.

Do you feel your product met the needs of the market at the time of conception? Does it still?
Yes, we still have a long way to go but, we’re moving.

When did you realize entrepreneurship was right for you?
Lmao, I’ve never seen it any other way.

Why did you choose entrepreneurship?
To leave my mark.

What advice do you have for entrepreneurs and small business owners who may not be achieving their goals?
Celebrate your milestones and compare yourself to no one.

What would you say is your most driving motivation to keep doing what you to do?
Failure is not an option.

What are you most excited or passionate about? (In both business and life or both)
Changing someone’s life.

What are the goals you most want to accomplish in your business? What are the goals that you hold personally?
I want to see all my clients live their dreams.

Did you have any key mentors or people who deeply influenced who you are, what you believe in, and what you’re committed to in your work and life? Tell me about them.
Yep, my Television Production Teacher, Ms. Karla Kennedy. She showed me the beauty and power that is the Black Woman.

Did you have any life-changing experiences that put you on the path that led you to be doing what you’re doing today? Tell me about them.
I lost my vision in 2010 and begin to see the world through my soul instead of my eyes.

What’s next for you in your business/brand? What can readers look forward to from you?
More magic from our clients.

Is there anything else you would like to share with me?
I am who I am because I am a child of Osun. ASE’

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Chandra Gore
Conversations with Chan

Principal Consultant & Publicist for Chandra Gore Consulting. Author, Speaker, Producer, Community Organizer and Festival Founder — Serial Entrepreneur