Meet The Billionaire Brewer- Deborah Risper

Chandra Gore
Conversations with Chan
6 min readJun 30, 2021

I define failure as no attempt to try. If you never try something, how do you know it will work? — Deborah Risper

Deborah Risper is an award-winning highly sought-after Serial Entrepreneur magnate. Deborah is also known as the Billionaire Brewer. She is a five-time Author, Speaker, Business & Book Coach. Her hope is to inspire women to live the life they dream about non-stop. By pursuing their purpose and passion, Deborah believes every woman’s desire to be her best self is highly influenced by the people she associates & trusts. Through her publishing company, Deborah spends her time helping people heal. She helps individuals go from telling their stories to selling their stories by teaching Authorpreneurship. Deborah’s unique work has been featured in several online & print magazines. When Deborah isn’t helping Authors write their books you can find her speaking or teaching a combination of business, branding, and empowerment.

Now if we can, I’d like to go way back for a little while. Where did you grow up? What was it like to grow up in Chicago?

I grew up on the west side (the best side)of Chicago. My area was one that displayed the height of the drug era. It was impoverished, single mothers and children just trying to be safe. I lived in a co-way building and everyone in the building became family until we all went our separate ways.

What inspired your entrepreneurial journey or event?

My entrepreneur journey was inspired because I always wanted to be in control of my life. I wanted to be able to assist others to do the same so that they can reclaim their life and time.

Tell me about what problem your business solves?

My business solves the issue of limboing between a 9–5 and starting or making a side hustle successful. I believe everyone has a story to tell which means there is a book in all of us. I encourage my clients to tell their stories, build a business around it and make the money they desire.

What do you define as a failure?

I define failure as no attempt to try. If you never try something, how do you know it will work?

What have you felt you have failed at? What might you have done to prevent those failures?

I don’t believe I have failed anything. I do believe though that I have learned lessons.

What kind of impact do you want your service to leave on your client?

I want my clients to feel in control of every area of their lives. Be it family, their freedom, or their finances, they should control it.

What is your why? Why did you start your journey?

My why is always my children, husband, and parents. I say that because I am not only impacting lives outside of my family, I am building generational wealth.

What hurdles did you personally face and how did you overcome them?

I think the biggest hurdle was locating clients and funding. To overcome these obstacles I learned how to build my ideal clientele, speak their language that allowed me to generate income to put back into my business.

Do you feel your product met the needs of the market at the time of conception? Does it still?

I feel that my products meet the need of the market and my target audience. I always try to be a one-stop-shop for my clients.

When did you realize entrepreneurship was right for you?

I realized entrepreneurship was right for me when I understand that I did not want anyone in control of how much money I made or when I can make money. take a vacation as well as seeing other women like myself who wanted out of the traditional 9–5 job setting.

Why did you choose entrepreneurship?

I chose entrepreneurship to make an impact. My life goal is to help as many women as possible live their dreams without limits with the understanding they can be in control of every area of their life.

What advice do you have for entrepreneurs and small business owners who may not be achieving their goals?

I would tell every entrepreneur that you are NEEDED so keep going. On the days when things get tough find your trusted circle and dump all of the burdens for the day; most importantly go back the next day. I would also advise asking for help. I know in entrepreneurship it can get lonely but we have to understand that you are NOT the expert in all areas so asking for help is a must.

What would you say is your most driving motivation to keep doing what you to do?

My most driving motivation is when I see my clients live out their dreams and make an impact. I also look to my husband and children to be proud of the work that I do and know that my impact is greater than any tough moment.

What are you most excited or passionate about? (In both business and life or both)

I am excited about my future and my family's generational wealth that I get to be a part of. I’m excited because I grew up in a poor neighborhood and to have this level of success was once only a dream.

What are the goals you most want to accomplish in your business? What are the goals that you hold personally?

My goal is to help over 5,000 women achieve their goals and dreams. Personally, I want to be sure I’m known for uplifting women.

Did you have any key mentors or people who deeply influenced who you are, what you believe in, and what you’re committed to in your work and life? Tell me about them.

I looked up to people such as Oprah, Maya Angelou, Phylicia Rashad, Michelle Obama.

Did you have any life-changing experiences that put you on the path that led you to be doing what you’re doing today? Tell me about them.

My life-changing moment came when I was working in corporate and my oldest ask about a memory of hers from 5th grade. I felt terrible because I was gone, enjoying the height of my career in banking making excellent money. I didn't realize how much my time away affected my children. From that moment on I vowed to be present and worry about money later. I learned that there were other ways of making money outside a traditional job which birthed my very first business.

What’s next for you in your business? What can readers look forward to from you?

Right now my focus is on growing more outside of the U.S. I am currently partnering with some amazing women in other countries to expose them to my offerings. Currently, I am also heading up a life-changing weekend experience for women happening in Scottsdale, AZ September 24–26. This weekend was inspired by my latest Anthology entitled “Do It Scared.”

Is there anything else you would like to share with me?

My story has activated or reactivated the “IT” in you to go for all that you deserve. As always if you’re looking for assistance my doors are wide open. | Facebook | Instagram



Chandra Gore
Conversations with Chan

Principal Consultant & Publicist for Chandra Gore Consulting. Author, Speaker, Producer, Community Organizer and Festival Founder — Serial Entrepreneur