
Courtney Beck
3 min readMay 28, 2017


Human beings will and are evolving without choice. It is a natural part of life. However, we do have a choice of who and what we evolve into beyond our physical forms.

Good evening, Krishna. What would you like to speak of today?

Courtney, today I wish to speak of evolution.

Human beings, plants, and animals have been evolving since the dawn of time.

Evolution is movement.

Environmentally, we evolve because of the surroundings we spend our time in.

We are not just speaking of physical evolution, however, we also evolve in our nature and in our spirit.

If the Earth continues to evolve as it does, if we continue to evolve as we do, we will not enjoy or be proud of the place where we may end up. On Earth, we see battles for power unlike what we see in any other space. Life on Earth is about winning and evolution is about becoming better. Better and more powerful than your fellow human beings, plants, and animals.

On Earth, there is always a ’top’ of the food chain, because you made the food chain that way. What if you removed the top? Would the food chain then be flat? Would it be respectful? Would it be of more value to you if you could also be consumed, just as you consume others?

Human beings will and are evolving without choice. It is a natural part of life. However, we do have a choice of who and what we evolve into beyond our physical forms.

Who do we want to evolve into spiritually? Who would we be proud to be? What qualities would we be proud to have?

This is what we need to think about, as life goes far beyond our physical selves. And power as we know it is an earthly idea.

What if you could use your ‘power’ for good? To make a change? Would you forego your own advancements in order to advance the Earth, your fellow human beings, plants, and animals?

How would you spend your time if your one true purpose was to help evolve the Earth and its creatures into a more sustainable, loving and equal ecosystem?

We cannot live on Earth without our bodies, but we can go on to exist in our minds and our spirits forever.

Time as you know it does not exist, so when you think of evolution, do not think of it as our history, think of it as our future. Evolution is our potential and how we evolve has the ability to propel us forward or bring life on Earth as we know it to a close.

We are all interdependent on each other. You may walk the Earth, but the Earth allows you to walk on her.

We must respect the Earth and all of its inhabitants if we are to evolve as a planet to a place we can all be proud of. A place where other spirits or Wanderers long to visit.

Without respect, we are breaking down the Earth. Without love, we deprive the Earth of positivity. Without power, we have the potential to go farther than we ever dreamed possible.



Courtney Beck

3 SPIRITS & A STRATEGIST: Spirits heal what’s holding you back & a strategist helps you move forward. I help people heal wounds, remove obstacles & gain clarity