
Courtney Beck
7 min readOct 3, 2016


Just as the light brought us choices, your life will bring you choices. Whether you make these choices with a kind mind or let these choices happen to you is your decision.

What would you like to talk about today Krishna?

I would like to talk about the light.

The light was not an idea we originally started with as everything was dark. If everything is dark, how do you know you need light?

The truth dear ones is that we didn’t.

Life went on in the darkness, as it always had. But it wasn’t dark to us because it is how we had always lived. Light or colour had no meaning because they did not yet exist.

Every time a new element was added to the universe there was a decision. What would this new element bring? Would it add to the balance of the universe?

This was the process of adding every new element, from the spirits you know today to what will come in the future. However, there was a time when we only had a few elements that filled the space.

One might believe now that the world and our galaxy is ‘full’ of elements that it would be an easier decision, it is not. Each time something new is added, we decide on this like we decided on the light. Except now, it is not whether animals, plants or human beings live in the darkness or the light, it is how the new element will compliment the current balance which has billions of objects in its mix.

When the light was made, Vishnu faced a great decision. Because the light was such a starkly different concept, and would essentially divide the Earth into two, creatures and plant life would evolve into new forms based on what the light would bring.

Brahma brought Vishnu a great decision. Would Vishnu be the guardian of the light, knowing what the light would bring?

As Brahma explained it, some creatures and plants would back into the darkness as they always had, and others would choose the light.

Courtney, I hear your logical mind asking how there could have been light added at the same time as there were plants and animals?

It was not. It was long, long before. We did have a plan. We have always had a plan of which elements would be added to the Earth and its galaxy, and our plan continues to today. For time is not as you know it, and planning ahead millions of years for you is seconds for us. Therefore, when Vishnu took guardianship of the light, we knew long ahead of time the decisions future elements (plants, animals, and humans) would have to make.

However, whilst we could plan, the very nature of life here on Earth decrees choice, and the choices you make are yours and yours alone. So, the choice of whether you chose the light and walked in the light, or chose the night and walked in the night was yours.

Creatures evolved based on what each element would bring.

Let us talk of those who walk in the light first.

When the light came, there was no Earth.

Brahma had decided that a new element would be created. Darkness needed a companion, and The Wanderers and spirit creatures needed to be given the gift of choice. For choice would test their courage and their resolve.

When Brahma wished for the light, it was born from a single thought, a wish and a moment in time.

The space was dark, but it was friendly, joyous in fact, but it was still just a space. Brahma wished for this space to have a curve, and the curve is what bore the Earth and its planets.

When the light came, it was an explosion, but not in the sense that you know explosions in your world. Explosions in your world tend to come from violence and be shocking.

An explosion when a new element is born is an explosion of light, but there is a softness and once born the new element’s light grows. Like the excitement of fireworks, without the loud sounds that accompany these beautiful paintings in the sky.

When the light was born, it enveloped the space and we all rejoiced. The light was different to anything else that had been experienced before. The light bore freedom because the light brought with it the universe’s creatures first choice. These were spirit creatures, but it was still a choice to be had.

The light was young though and initially burned too bright. This was the first test. The light wanted to light up the entire universe. Soon it would learn that it would only envelop us for a time, and then it would retreat so darkness could take us once again.

When the light came, Brahma was pleased. In its essence, the light was good, and it would bring many opportunities (Brahma foresaw).

However, what the light would bring, the darkness would also be able to hide. This would become the way of the world. In the light, we do good, and in the darkness, we sleep, but it also brings an opportunity to commit wrongdoings under the shroud of darkness.

But we could not stay the same as we always were, and you cannot stay the same as you are now.

Just as the light brought us choices, your life will bring you choices. Whether you make these choices with a kind mind or let these choices happen to you is your decision.

When the light came, Brahma knew this element would bring choices to the universe as it was now and in the future. This was to be the way and the path for all of Earth’s creatures.

Krishna, when did the Earth become formed?

Brahma gave the universe Earth when The Wanderers and spirit creatures required a home that provided them with choice and freedom. They had grown, but they had also grown tired. Life was as it always had been in the space. There was no conflict or mess, it was what it is now, peaceful.

When the light came, it brought with it the first choice.

Some inhabitants of the space wished to experience their existence on a different plane. They had liked and marvelled at the light and wished to see what other marvels Brahma would create.

Earth was born on the 25th day. It would be the first time an object existed, not as an entity, but as something that could be felt.

Brahma wished that Earth would be felt like the universe had developed a boundary, but there was no boundary at all. The Earth would be an anchor so that the creatures and spirits would no longer float or simply exist within the space, they would be anchored to a space.

This, in turn, would allow them to own the Earth and create it as they wished. Defining the space also meant that was how Earth evolved, that its elements and activity would be its own. Kept in a sphere that would protect it from the light, but would also protect the universe from it.

The risk of adding a new element Courtney is that once it has been added it can not be taken away. This is the nature of life and decision making since the dawn of time. The darkness was a choice, but it came long before us. The light was a choice, as was the Earth. Choices, as much as they bring joy, can also bring much sadness and consequence.

The balance of the universe depends on each element acting in its individuality, but also in union with every other element.

Was Brahma there at the beginning, Krishna?

Courtney, the responsibility of the creation of our universe, and every other universe comes from a unique place. Who owns the universe? Who created it? These are questions that could be answered, but perhaps they never will as no-one on Earth truly needs to understand what has come long before. Human minds, as beautiful and limitless as they are, have been created for this version of space and its elements. Outside of this universe, is another universe, and another beyond that.

The space is limited, and each space has a creator or creators that have been charged with filling the space or not filling the space, depending on how they wish to define life or existence in that space. This means there are many spaces on other planes yet to be filled.

Brahma was the first, the creator of Earth and the universes we know and do not yet know. Brahma’s expression of life is different to how ‘life’ may be expressed in other spaces.

The space and its many millions and billions of iterations will take their own shape and have done since the dawn of time, and will do until time or the space ceases to exist. At this point, we will all go back to the sky and start over.

Each creator paints the space with what they deem to be the ultimate balance of elements. They are the change makers, and also the change. The elements are an expression of the creator.

What lies within our space is Brahma. What came after Brahma is what Brahma created for us.

Krishna, you spoke yesterday of Vishnu creating the light? Was the light created by Brahma or Vishnu?

Vishnu is the guardian of the light Courtney. Brahma created the light. Brahma is the creator and Vishnu is the maintainer and caretaker of all life forms and their expressions.

It is Brahma who decides the elements, and it is Vishnu that helps guide each elements journey on Earth, within the universe, and back to the sky to begin again.

Next, we will talk of the darkness, but we will do this tomorrow.

Thank you, Courtney. Enjoy your day, and your night.



Courtney Beck

3 SPIRITS & A STRATEGIST: Spirits heal what’s holding you back & a strategist helps you move forward. I help people heal wounds, remove obstacles & gain clarity