The email marketing tips collection

Published in
2 min readJun 28, 2019

We are taking a break from our usual format this week. We are already working on our next batch of One Stop Shop videos but we wanted to take a breath and go through some of the content that has created more engagement. This is the first of a series of Collections that gather some of our best guides.

And we could only start with what we know best. Here are 3 of the most popular videos with very practical email marketing tips:

The simplest email marketing funnel

We are starting with a classic and the foundation of any email marketing strategy. A simple email marketing funnel that you can put in place in just 4 easy steps. Whatever your niche is, whoever your target customers are, or whatever products you’d like to feature — it doesn’t matter! As long as your core — your simple email marketing funnel — is solid and stable, you’re halfway there.

Read the blog post here.

4 Ways to reignite your abandoned cart recovery rate

Next we dive into some tips to reignite one of the most conversion-driven email marketing tools. Yes, we are talking about the abandoned cart emails. Everyone is doing it and your customers’ inboxes are flooded with them. In this video we talk about 4 very practical ways in which you can make your abandoned cart emails stand out from the crowd and reignite your recovery rate today.

Read the blog post here.

4-Step checklist to effectively boost your engagement in email marketing

And our third video, and last one for today, talks about four simple steps that will help you catch the attention of your customers and boost your engagement. We talk about timing, segmentation, content and personalisation.

The key isn’t to send more emails — it’s to send better & smarter emails that will be opened and clicked on by your customers.

Read the blog post here.

Some of the highlights from these episodes:

Crawl before you can walk. Walk before you can run. The key to a successful email marketing is mastering the basic principles, before anything else


You can’t make any sales if your store is on an island. You need to find ways to ferry your customers to your island.


Did everything but still couldn’t raise your abandoned cart’s recovery rate? Here are 4 sure-fire ways that can help you stand out from the crowd & supercharge your recovery rate today.


Effective email marketing isn’t about sending more emails. It’s about sending smarter & better emails that your customers will read & act on.


Photo by Reza Rostampisheh on Unsplash

Originally published at on June 28, 2019.




Currently working on Conversio (@getconversio). Previously: Co-Founder / CEO of @WooThemes. Also: New dad & ex-Rockstar. More at