© Joax

Conversion Zindabad — 2

Does the truth matter?

2 min readAug 31, 2019


During a conversation with my friend who is against religious conversion. I asked him, don’t you think converting to the truth is a good thing? He said, “we can’t know the truth”. Then I asked him, how do you know that is true? Then we had to pause our conversation for another day.

Another good friend who is quite liberal minded mentioned to me once that conversion is not good because it brings unnecessary conflict. Since we anyway cannot know which is the true religion, so why even convert? Every religion has good and bad things. Just believe there is some God and keep it personal. I appreciate his concern in the context of the current religio-political mood in India.

We discussed about conflict part later. But first I asked him, are you not assuming that your analysis about all religions, is true? If yes, is it not contradicting to your statement “you cannot know the truth”? If no, then what are you saying? You can definitely say your analysis is true and all religions are false by the best of your knowledge, but how can you possibly say that we cannot know the truth?

Don’t you see that the truth matters either to convert or not? You either don’t want to know the truth or you are not saying anything meaningful. Don’t you think it is worth knowing the truth and then speaking it out? Therefore, our question should be, how can we know the truth?

‘Conversion Zindabad’ series is a partly fictional and partly actual conversations on the concept of ‘freedom of conscience’. If you like these posts and want to be notified on the new posts, follow us by clicking the button below.

