Good Samaritan

Conversion Zindabad — 3

Conflict or Contempt?

2 min readSep 1, 2019


Before we discuss ‘knowing the truth’, let me tell you about a few other concerns my friend raised. He said conversion brings conflict within the family. The converted person stops practicing family religious activities, etc. I appreciate such honest questions. So I asked him, is the conflict created by the converted person or the family? He said the converted person.

So, I told him that I cannot speak for any religious conversions but, if a person has decided to follow Jesus I have something to say. Jesus commanded us to love God and love our neighbors as we love ourselves. If a person is creating a conflict it is either due to lack of understanding or that person is not truly following Jesus. In fact, a new follower of Jesus will love (even enemies) more truly than before because he/she experienced forgiveness. The new follower of Jesus may not participate in worship according to his/her previous belief but is commanded to love all people despite the differences.

But if the conflict is because of contempt by the family, it is unfortunate that freedom of belief is not respected. This is the most painful and hardest thing for them, where God helps them to still love. Sometimes they may fail to love as humans, but that is not their intent.

The sacrificial love of God leads to conversion, so true convert to Jesus cannot hate but imitates Jesus in love. Isn’t that beautiful?

You can find this in the Bible. Mark 12:28–34, Matthew 5:43,44 and many other places.

‘Conversion Zindabad’ series is a partly fictional and partly actual conversations on the concept of ‘freedom of conscience’. If you like these posts and want to be notified on the new posts, follow us by clicking the button below.

