via Digital Conversion Labs Design Labs

How to Win in a World of Constant Disruption and Change

Kyle Musser
5 min readOct 7, 2016


Creative By: Kyle Musser

Whether or not you’ve realized it, we’re living in a time where change is constant and disruption is happening all around is.

And if you’re a business owner that’s reading this, most likely this comes as no surprise to you as there is and always will be someone trying to put you out of business.

The fact is real that change has gotten faster and is continuing to accelerate even more with each day that passes.

365… 24/7… change will never stop.

I’m right there with you as digital is changing, social is evolving, and people’s behaviors are being manipulated unlike never before empowered by the rapid adoption of new technology.

This is something that we are all struggling with as entrepreneurs and business owners. Doesn’t matter if you’re a small business or a big brand, the fact of the matter this is something that you can either hide from or you can embrace it.

Whatever side you choose, the one thing that’s for certain is that the rules of the game have changed.

In fact… I would argue that you can’t play by the rules if you want to stand out.

Which might leave you begging the question…

“What am I to do as an entrepreneur?”

via Digital Conversion Labs Design Labs

I was watching a video with Gerard Adams and Grant Cardone over lunch today where they talk about this exact idea.

Grant says…

“You’ve got to be obsessed with the opportunity to do what most people say that you can’t do. Go outside the lines and break the rules if you want to thrive in today’s business world.” — Grant Cardone

My encouragement with this short post is not only to mix it up from the longer form media I’ve been mostly writing here at Digital Conversion Labs, but also to give you permission to mess something up.

As entrepreneurs, you’ve got to be willing to question more, to make more of a ruckus, and to break down doors that others say can never be opened.


Because the world needs you.

The problems or what you should look as opportunities to solve societies shortcomings are where the true riches are hidden in the disruption economy.

But it’s up to you to wake up daily with a mission to never settle for the limits that most people place upon themselves. And instead, break free from any limiting thoughts by opening up your mind to the art of the possible.

See the big picture for what it is and recognize that disruption, chaos, change, etc. are all opportunity to create, offer, and solve someone’s pain.

And to make an incredible living as you grow your business on the Pathway to Unlimited Profits.

You are meant to do big things in the world, the question is are you willing to re-define what’s here today… including who you are… in a way that opens up new possibilities for creation tomorrow?

Each day there are endless decisions to make as a business owner. But on of the most vital decisions you can make with each day that passes is the committment to never settle for anything less than you are called to become as an entrepreneur, as a creator, and as a human.

Your ability to win today, tomorrow, and 50 years from now are not determined by your daily decisions to follow the rules that others put in place.

Instead in an age of constant innovation and change they are determined by your willingness and ability to adapt to them, re-define them, and most likely break them.

Grant refers to this in his new book as…

“The Choice to be Obsessed vs. The Choice to be Average.”

Whether we’re updating your businesses outdated marketing strategy to reflect the changes in digital media, content marketing, and growth advertising.

Or it’s in how you are a leading the next generation of leaders…

Whatever changes you know you need to make to stay in the game and compete like a championship team, know that you’re going to have to break your own rules for how you’ve been doing business sooner or later.

Otherwise, be forewarned that the market will disrupt and break you.

So don’t be one of those entrepreneurs or one of those people who says “I wish I would have done things differently.”

Instead be someone who understand that in order to win in today’s world, you have to be bold and committed to putting yourself out of business each day.

Adopt this type of approach in your business and I can promise you will flourish no matter what the results are of your current endeavors because success today is more about mindset than skill-set…

QUESTION: In what way is your business breaking the rules?

Love to hear your story in the comments below… 👥💭

And if you’ve found this inspiring, I’d be much appreciated if you could leave a HEART below… 💚👍🏼

I’m Kyle Musser,

Founder and CEO (Chief Experiment Officer) of I want to invite you to come check out how we’re breaking all the rules by clicking on the link below the image…


Be sure to join the DCLabs Tribe as we give our best content, tips, strategy’s, and much more to those that choose to say F*$# the rules.



Kyle Musser

Entrepreneur, Business Consultant, Marketer, Creator, Advisor, & Impactivist. Let’s connect! 📧