New additions to our copywriting team

Haakon, Helle and Magnus are the new wordy nerds at our office!

3 min readJul 27, 2018


Text and photos by Siv Fjørtoft

Haakon, Helle and Magnus

Our copywriting team has grown with three new members this summer: Haakon, Helle and Magnus!

Haakon came to Convertelligence from Molde Football Club where he worked as a market and media consultant. Before devoting his life to football, he worked freelance as a copywriter and content developer after finishing his degree in copywriting from Westerdals Oslo School of Arts, Communication and Technology in 2016.

“Convertelligence is an exciting and growing company that’s developing the technology of tomorrow. I think that’s really exciting, and I wanted to use my experience and creative abilities to contribute to this development.”

— Haakon

Haakon has a lot of experience with creative work and contact with clients. This, combined with his degree in copywriting, makes him an insightful employee with lots of knowledge about how we communicate with each other, both digitally and in more traditional ways. We also hope that he will be an active voice in our many heated football discussions!

Helle is studying Comparative Literature at The University of Oslo and will be working at our office part time. Before joining Convertelligence, she was a bit unsure about how she could apply the knowledge gained from her studies. When she discovered that chatbot copywriting was a thing, she realised that there’s plenty of opportunities out there.

“Working with something so progressive with such a traditional education has helped ease my mind. I think it’s so amazing that I can take part in developing something new and exciting in a world that is constantly becoming more digital. I never thought that reading dusty old books would lead to working with something so shiny and new.”

— Helle

A background in literature will definitely come in handy for Helle. Her time at university has been spent focusing on text and communicating content to others, and she also harbours an interest in writing. We think she has the potential to become a great bot builder!

Magnus has previously completed a law degree at The University of Bergen and worked as a legal practitioner in the Norwegian Armed Forces. He then decided that he wanted to work more closely with text and writing instead. He moved to Oslo and started studying rhetorics and communication.

The idea of working with talking robots was what made Magnus want to be a copywriter at Convertelligence. He is also very enthusiastic about text and hates grammatical errors, which makes him a perfect bot builder. His experience with law will also be of great use in his job as copywriter.

“Law is just about language. It’s about collecting information from various sources, figuring out what’s most important, and deliver it in a clear and concise way. Rhetorics has also taught me a thing or two, and one thing has definitely stuck: always think about the reader!”

— Magnus

Convertelligence is now known as Kindly. Visit our website to see what else is new!

