Mobile App Analytics: Top 5 Tools for App Owners

Santi Nougues
Published in
6 min readNov 16, 2020

Mobile apps, like every business (and more in these times), need to make data-driven decisions. This data is out there waiting for us to organize it and make the most of it. In this guide, you will find a description of mobile app analytics fundamentals, and a series of services that provide excellence for the convenience of app owners. Enjoy it!

Mobile App Analytics: A key to growth

What is Mobile Apps Analytics?

Mobile App Analytics consists of data-based software that helps app owners track how their app works and how users interact with it. Is a practice that every application owner must carry out to improve their service.

It consists mainly of using platforms connected to our application that collect and visualize data relevant to its operation and how users interact with our app.

From this data we collect, we can make decisions based on how to optimize the user experience to make the application better, and in this way get more downloads, more users, and more profits.

Remember, if you don’t have a mobile app but would like to have it, you can convert your website into an app with the Convertify service.

Why is Mobile App Analytics Important?

It allows us to know which functionalities of our app are working well and which are not, to make improvements, and make decisions based on data.

The importance of Mobile App Analytics lies in the fact that if we do not know and if we do not measure what is happening in our application and as users interact with it, we will not be able to make any significant improvements.

Improvements may be possible from a personal perspective, but it will always be more effective to do so from the data. In the data is the whole truth. It is the operating map of our application.

The important thing about these Mobile App Analytics services is that they provide us with organized data, with friendly and interactive interfaces that can make this practice exciting.

If you don’t have a mobile app to integrate these practices and are thinking about how more can help you with your business, we invite you to see our explanation of why you need a mobile app. And also take a look at some examples and all the features you can have in it!

Mobile App Analytics Comparison

As in most things, there are many providers of this service, and that is why today we bring you this guide by telling you a little bit about five of them so that you can draw your conclusions and decide which one is best for your business.

It can always be a bit challenging to get the service right for us. But we believe that with these simple descriptions they will be able to give an idea of how each one works.

Apple iOS Mobile App Analytics

Apple has been allowing app developers and owners to view data relevant to how it works and conversions since 2018.

Among these data, we can find the number of times the app was viewed in the Apple App Store, the number of downloads, the purchases of users within it, and other iOS app analytics.

We believe it is a reliable service as it is offered by the distributor of one of the two main channels of mobile applications. Apple App Store users will surely be able to take advantage of these features.

It has many points in favor such as its easy implementation and the fact of being a free service.

But we must say that it is a little limited when accessing more specific information about the performance of the apps, so it is recommended to use a supplement that gives us a broader picture of the situation.

Facebook Analytics

Facebook Analytics is a platform of the social media giant, which with its new functionality allows users to integrate their mobile application to the platform by generating a Facebook Pixel that will be responsible for tracking the main movements of users in it.

Through their use, app owners can obtain data such as the use of the app in the different mobile devices, demographic audience data, application revenue, custom events to follow a certain behavior and be able to organize users in groups to determine funnels.

The service is free and works for both iOS and Android app analytics. As well as web apps, like Microsoft app analytics.


On the Amplitude website, we can see that the functionalities that this service brings us are very complete. One of the phrases we find is “Don’t use Amplitude to find answers. Use Amplitude to find the right questions and drive action”.

And it really caught our attention!

This platform seeks to answer what are the reasons why some metric is not having the expected results, and what would be the steps to take to reverse the situation.

Faced with this, I think the phrase that surprised us has a lot to do with this service.

Another of the novelties is that it allows us to visualize the customer journey, to see what are the percentages of realization of the different behaviors. This allows us to optimize those pages that are not doing very well, or that have a very high bounce rate.

They have three payment plans, one is free, but if you want to access more functionalities you must contact the sales team to receive a budget according to the number of users that own your app.


Mixpanel is a service that calls itself “Build Better Products.” It is a 100 percent company dedicated to mobile analytics products, so they are very reliable.

And by the way, they have a very friendly design.

The goal of this company is to help its customers convert, engage, and retain users from their apps. They have an important track record, with companies using their services such as Twitter and Uber.

They are mainly based on offering the customer a series of reports that help them answer questions about the performance of their apps. Among these questions we can find:

  • How is my product used?
  • Where and why do users drop off?
  • Which users retain best?

And one of the main phrases they show us is “What will your data teach you?” which is why they are a company focused on offering answers and solutions to their customers.

They have a free plan and other payments and personalized (starting at $17).

Without a doubt a very interesting company to consider.


Countly is a very complete platform, offering its users a series of very valuable insights to understand everything about apps.

It’s a pretty comprehensive service from what we could see. They have a number of goals to get their customers to receive value from it:

- User Profiles, to understand the behavior of the users of the application on a much more individual level.

- In-App Usage Analytics, in order for customers to understand how the application is used from within.

- Push Notifications, allowing customers to enter into a closer relationship with users. (If you want to know more about this practice visit our Push Notifications guide.)

- Crash Analytics, to find bugs that may be affecting your business and fix them in time.

Like most, they offer a free lifetime plan. But also a plan for enterprises that is very complete and allows to take great advantage of the data that our businesses generate.

Final Conclusions

As we always say from Convertify, it doesn’t matter much which service you choose and you don’t have to analyze it much either. What you have to do is move into action, because that’s the most important step.

The practice of mobile app analytics is a fundamental practice if you want your app to transcend barriers and have long-term growth based on customers.

This is why we hope that our guide has served you, but above all that you can take action from it since that is our goal.

We invite you to visit Convertify, where you can convert a website into an app. And also receive content from our blog, especially what you need to turn web to app and stay ahead of the market.

