Mobile App for Business: 4 Reasons Why It Can Get You More Clients

Santi Nougues
Published in
5 min readNov 4, 2020

Today, a mobile app for business is as important as sunshine for plants. The world of digital business gives us enormous opportunities that we can take advantage of with simple strategies and understanding what weight they have in our process. So let’s see how you can get more clients!

Grow your client base by creating a mobile app.

Why create an app for your business?

Mobile applications represent a fundamental tool for business owners who want to develop a more genuine and personalized user experience.

Its importance is based on the fact that users constantly interact with their mobile phones, from a working tool to an alarm clock for their mornings.

That is why at Convertify we decided to dedicate our days to converting websites into apps so that our customers can get great benefits from this tool, and their customers too. This is something we discuss a lot in our blog, especially how companies use mobile apps for business improvement.

As for the benefits that business applications bring, we can talk about thousands of things, but today we’re going to list the top five.

1- Users prefer more personalized experiences.

Faced with a digital world so convulsed and full of irrelevant information, the customer needs the brands he chooses for his day-to-day offer an increasingly personalized service, always taking into account the problems he needs to solve.

They need to know that the brand interacts directly with them, understanding them from design preferences to functionalities.

“Personalization is pointless without knowing the individual. Understand the dreams, hopes, and fears that motivate your customers, then hit them where it counts.” — Paul Gillin.

That is why if we dedicate ourselves to constantly understanding the customer and see it as an objective, we can generate growth in the conversion rates and in the use that they give to our application for business.

2- Most users find out about new apps from friends or family.

One of the most effective and economical ways to get new customers in any business is word of mouth.

The power of this tool (or we might call it a social phenomenon) is enormous.

Think about how many times you recommended a product, service, video, or anything to a friend or family member. And I do not doubt that the next act was using it, as it is a recommendation that comes from a close and reliable source.

With mobile apps, it’s the same, and to a large extent. In fact, more than half of an application’s downloads come from recommendations from a person close to the user.

3- People use their phones more than their computers.

You can validate this fact even with your own experience.

The growth in mobile phone usage in today’s world is really something that has no roof. And it keeps growing year by year.

Think that with a mobile application for your business you can be in permanent contact with your customers. You can send notifications directly to their hand!

This is something that not only influences the consumer service and the user experience, but also the attraction of new customers. If you want to learn more about push notifications, their importance, and ways to apply them, you can read our article here.

4- The loyalty of your customers is everything.

It’s a whole snowball process.

If you offer your users a premium service, personalized to their needs, and with relevant information directly at their fingertips, the recommendations will come automatically.

This is why creating consumer loyalty to your brand is priceless, and more effective than any advertising campaign.

From Convertify we believe it should be the main objective of any company that wants to grow organically and in a sustained way over time. The limits in relation to this are set by one.

Bonus ingredient for business app

The importance of a proper culture (and conveying it simply and concisely) is one of the most important factors to consider in order to succeed with an application for my business.

“Culture is simply a shared way of doing something with a passion.”

This is to be able to get users to genuinely identify with our brand.

And how do we do it?

First of all, we need our business to be aligned in all its strategies with a series of values that define the business culture. These values must in turn be aligned with those of consumers. Some questions that can help us are:

  • What motivates my ideal client?
  • What are those problems you’re looking to solve?
  • How can I help through my business?

From the definition of these points, we must think about how a business app with a series of features can facilitate this relationship between the brand and the consumer.

It is a simple process but it requires a lot of thought to be able to be executed effectively.

Some conclusions

An app for my business can be really useful when expanding our consumer base and growing exponentially.

Through the right strategies and tools, we can be able to build trust that transcends and creates a network of new customers constantly.

The constant use that users give to their mobile phones is a key part of our strategy, and we must learn to take advantage of these trends, which are growing day by day and endless.

The most important companies in the market use a mobile app for business, generating interaction with consumers who could not have achieved it or with the best website.

So, how much does it cost to make an app for your business? And, above all, how to make an app?

Why we invite you to know our pricing, and of course, the process of how to create an app with Convertify. For example, you can turn your website into an Android app or an iOS app.

You don’t have to be a coding genius to do it. Tools like Convertify allow you to do a custom job so you can enjoy it. Just know what your goals are and know the benefits of creating a mobile app for business.

Get to work! (Or let us do it for you).

