3 New Things Digital Marketers Will Love

Jay Baer
Convince & Convert
Published in
3 min readJan 11, 2017

By Jay Baer

I’ve been in online marketing since 1993. That’s a long time. How long?

When I started in online marketing, Meatloaf’s “I would do anything for love (but I won’t do that)” was the number one song in America.

Now, nearly 25 years into my career, I make it an annual priority to assess the marketing and customer service landscapes, and add new ways that the team here at Convince & Convert and I can use to help move the industry forward.

Last year, we launched the Marketing Marvels technology reviews show, and the Influence Pros podcast.

For 2017, we’re unveiling three new education assets that I hope you absolutely LOVE.

Jay Today is BACK

I recorded more than 100 episodes of my video show, Jay Today, before pressing pause in late 2015. Now, Jay Today is back and better than ever, with two weekly episodes sponsored by our friends at Emma.

Here’s the first episode of Season Two, broadcast to Facebook Live (recordings will be available on Youtube, this blog, Linkedin, and Medium).

If you have topics you’d like me to cover in Jay Today, leave them in the comments below, or just comment on any episode. thanks!

Webinar of the Week

Marketers and business owners have an almost comical array of Webinars to choose from. There are dozens (maybe hundreds) each week about social, content, influencer marketing, customer service, mobile, and more.

But which ones are worth your time?

We’re going to tell you.

On a regular basis, the team and I are going to work with one of our partners and tell you about a Webinar that we guarantee will be great. Strong content. Solid presenters. Not an icky sales pitch. Webinar of the Week will be sponsored content here at Convince & Convert, but I will NEVER tell you to tune into a Webinar that I don’t personally believe in 100 percent.

I hope our new Webinar of the Week series helps you make better decisions when choosing which Webinars to attend.

First one will be coming up soon here on the blog, probably published on Mondays.

Webinines: Smart Ideas in 9 Minutes or Less

And speaking of Webinars, one of the problems with them is that they are often too long. Sixty minutes (even 45) feels like an eternity in this era, doesn’t it?

It’s one of the main reasons people register for Webinars, don’t attend live figuring they can watch the recording, but then never actually watch that recording!

In a lot of Webinars, it seems like the presenters are trying to tell you everything they know because “hey, the audience signed up for it.”

We’re going to start changing the conversation around Webinars with our new series: Webinines — Smart Ideas in 9 Minutes or Less

I’m going to create a bunch of these in 2017. They will be short, punchy, interesting, sharp webinars that are no more than 9 minutes long. How’s that for using your time efficiently!

Stay tuned for more on Webinines.

Thanks as always for your trust and the faith you put in me and our team. We don’t take it for granted, and are looking forward to a fantastic 2017 with you and all of our readers, watchers, and listeners.

(P.S. We are doing more and more strategy and operations consulting on this kind of stuff for corporate clients. For example, we are producing podcasts for several companies now. If we can help you, let us know.)

Originally published at www.convinceandconvert.com.



Jay Baer
Convince & Convert

Founder of Convince & Convert, a digital media and marketing company. NY Times best-selling author, global keynote speaker. New book: Hug Your Haters