43 Expert Tips on How to Future-Proof Your Content Strategy [Infographic]

Convince & Convert
Convince & Convert
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3 min readDec 8, 2017

By Nayomi Chibana | December 8th, 2016

Two years ago, well-known blogger Mark Schaefer coined the term “content shock” to describe an inevitable reality in the digital marketing world: too much content and not enough time to consume all of it.

Using simple economic terms, he argued that the “supply” of web content is doubling every nine to 24 months, while “demand” — which is Internet users’ ability to consume content — is finite. Even if mobile devices have allowed us to increase media usage to 12 hours and nine minutes per day, there’s only so much texting and tweeting we can do during the wee hours of the night.

Content creators have known for a while now that a big problem has been looming on the horizon. But much like climate change deniers, some were hoping the uncomfortable truth would go away and that, somehow, the possibilities of content creation would be limitless.

They were wrong.

Content shock is a real thing, and it’s already here. Nowadays, it’s no longer enough to produce “great content” — you have to give it legs through a combination of factors, such as influencer marketing, brand development, and social proof.

And even then, it can fail to return the expected results. Take a look, for example, at how the average shares per content item published on authoritative sites such as Buffer, Copyblogger, and Social Media Examiner steadily decreased over the course of 2015.

Meanwhile, the smartest content creators out there are busy figuring out how to find untapped content niches and, in Schaefer’s words, “igniting” content so it “rises to the top.”

Insights from Top Content Marketers

At Visme, we were so intrigued by the challenge posed by content shock that we reached out to 43 top content marketers and social media influencers and asked them: What’s your best advice for future proofing your content strategy against “content shock” and “content fatigue”?

Here is what they had to say in their own words. Influencers’ complete answers can be viewed in the e-book below, and for those who would rather skim through their most actionable advice, tweetable quote cards are provided in our original post here.

43 Expert Tips for Future Proofing Your Content Strategy from Visme

You can also view the interactive version or download the PDF.

Click here to see the complete post on Medium.



Convince & Convert
Convince & Convert

Led by Jay Baer, we provide digital marketing and customer experience counsel for world's most important brands.