About Us

Convivencia Magazine
Convivencia Magazine
3 min readJul 16, 2016

Convivencia draws from an era of lively and open debate, where diverse communities interacted in complex and constructive ways, thriving together rather than simply tolerating one another. Our is hope is that we can help revive that spirit by giving those who value it a platform to debate the key issues of the day.

We aim to bring together diverse voices to engage on issues where there are no easy answers. We seek to connect activists and scholars, grassroots and community leaders, academics and practitioners, to provide original and open-minded analysis and debate.

British Muslims are no monolith and that should be reflected by our publications and literature. We want to broaden the debate through rigorous, informed commentary that goes beyond traditional topics of discussion.

Convivencia focuses on affairs relevant to Muslims and Britain, remembering that for too long our narratives have either been defined by external forces or characterised by mentalities of victimhood. British Muslims have become an integral part of British society and now contribute in the upper echelons of almost every field. We hope to celebrate those successes while also shining a spotlight on difficult issues both internal to the community and in broader society.

We welcome contributions from across mainstream Muslim society and a central part of our mission is both to provide a critical platform for authentic Muslim voices and help develop them.

Writing for Us

We want new angles on the debates that are already out there but, more than that, we want to host the discussions that we’ve not really been giving much time to at all. So we’re looking for submissions on social justice, literature, internal discrimination, history, economics, the environment, or anything else that challenges the dominant narratives on Muslims — that we’re the enemy or we’re victims.

We’re looking for contributions, especially from those who can give a unique perspective and draw on personal experience and expertise.

If you’re interested, e-mail convivenciaeditor@gmail.com and please read the guidelines below on pitching and writing.

Send a three-line pitch that simply explains your idea, what’s unusual about the angle you’re taking and how you’ll write about it.

The pitch is important because we want to work with you to shape your article from the earliest stages.

- Keep it simple. Be confident in the strength of your points and avoid overly- elaborate sentences.
Sometimes short sentences have more punch — mix it up.
Get straight to your points and weave them all together, let the commentary flow naturally.
Avoid sounding academic, avoid the passive voice, cut out unnecessary words and steer clear of clichés. (Read this on passive voice: http://jerz.setonhill.edu/writing/grammar-and-syntax/active-and-passive-verbs/ )
Please don’t use jargon unless it’s really necessary, look for a better way to explain the concept.
Think about how you want to say it, how you would articulate your points if you were speaking. Put faith in your own voice, not what you’ve read elsewhere.

