Introducing Convoo

Getting the conversation started

Saad Elbeleidy
3 min readFeb 21, 2017


Convoo is an initiative to make learning and sharing easier and more enjoyable than ever before. We are building a number of progressive web applications and a collection of web components. These will allow us and other developers to quickly create online spaces, where meaningful connections are made and knowledge is freely exchanged.

Convoo unofficially started shortly after Will and I first met. Right away we started working together, learning all sorts of things from each other and sharing our breadth of experience. We quickly developed a solid friendship due to some common values we shared.

We both care deeply about learning, enjoying the products we make and working in the open. These values were immediately obvious in everything we did together. We approached every new idea with an open mind, interested in finding something we can learn from it.

This connection over values lead us to build out many ideas and experimenting with various technologies. We’ve settled on using Polymer because it allows us to easily share what we’ve built. With web components we build in Polymer, anyone can start a new project and use them as building blocks.

Easily sharing what we’ve built in a reusable nature for others to work with is very important to us. We have already built a few web components and one, in particular, has gained some traction. Login-fire’s popularity has lead to a couple awesome contributors who have been nice enough to share their experience with us. Getting feedback from the community has been humbling and has reaffirmed our beliefs.

Today, we’re making Convoo official. Convoo expresses our values in everything under its name.

  1. Learning — learning and sharing experiences through articles, web components or other products we build. Learning and understanding the world and each other allows us live a better life.
  2. Enjoyment — building things, learning and sharing should be enjoyable and not a chore. Just like cooking with love creates delicious food, we believe that developing with love creates awesome products.
  3. Openness — almost everything Convoo does is done in public. Being transparent about our work allows us to easily receive feedback and learn from everyone else while also helping others learn from us.

To double down on openness we’ve also recently published our roadmap and you’ll be able to follow along with our progress as well as give us your feedback and thoughts. We’re also available to chat on Gitter and we recently even began publishing our designs and initial sketches.

We truly believe in these values. Most importantly, we believe that you can learn something new from everyone. This is the beginning of us sharing our learnings with you. We’re excited to hear from you and to get this conversation started.

If you’ve enjoyed hearing about us, you can sign up to learn more about Convoo and be notified when we reach key milestones.



Saad Elbeleidy
Editor for

Robot Teleoperation Interface Researcher interested in Machine Learning, Data Visualization, Algorithmic Bias, and Food