How Convoy Is Using Machine Learning to Revolutionize Trucking

David Tsai
Convoy Tech
Published in
2 min readSep 27, 2019

Through a partnership with AWS, the Convoy marketplace team got the chance to tell our story of how we’re using machine learning and AWS to transform the trucking industry. Machine learning is core to what we do at Convoy and how we approach problems on behalf of truck drivers and shippers. It’s a key component of our strategy and an important way that differentiates us from other trucking solutions. Effective application of machine learning has enabled us to utilize our data to better serve our customers, improve the lives of truck drivers like Wade from Bolieu Transportation Inc, and make possible network effects that create a moat around our core business. Learn more about Convoy and Wade’s story in the video below.

When I joined Convoy over three and a half years ago, much of this was only a pipe dream, and we’ve come a long way in realizing the improvements that technology and machine learning can provide to the trucking ecosystem. Wade’s story is only the tip of the iceberg of the tremendous opportunity we have to really make a positive difference in the world through technology. Knowing that real lives are improved through our work, only makes it that much more motivating to continue pushing ahead in an industry that is at the heart of the American economy. Small efficiency improvements in trucking also result in a large reduction in the environmental impact of shipping.

In many ways Convoy has only just begun its journey in applying machine learning to drive efficiency, and we still have many more opportunities in front of us. If you’re interested in using machine learning to transform the trucking industry as we know it, come join our product & engineering team!



David Tsai
Convoy Tech

Engineer & Startup Builder — Currently @ Convoy building the trucking marketplace of the future.