A story of Prophecy

Published in
3 min readFeb 22, 2017

Yara Hussein

A resemblance of a jewel that radiates beauty and love, found in the midst of corruption.A story that allures your heart and thrills your soul, it holds the meaning of being humane. I fell in love with his story that shattered my heart and stole my breath.That’s my prophet, the man who devoted his life to islam and it was certainly prodigious.

Along a desert route walked a six year old boy with a hunched back and a sad face, returning from a journey that would leave a wound in his heart. Questions aroused in his head about a father he would never have, while his mind wasn’t able to comprehend the visit to his father’s grave. As the sun shone brightly and the weather got hotter the little boy had to see his mother fall to her death with no one around except their female servant. Shock froze him and his heart fractured as he saw life take away his second parent. He grew up an orphan with a void in his heart under the protection of his grandfather’s home, where he blossomed to become a young boy with a sophisticated mind. His grandfather always knew how he would become a remarkable man but on a tragic day his grandfather passed away at the age of eight, why was life so cruel to that young boy?

He moved to live with his uncle, Abu Talib, where he later on worked as a shepherd all throughout his youth. Here is where he learned to be patient, outline strategies and understand the value of our world.Every obstacle put in the prophet’s life was a block to build a wise man. He lost his dearest family and that taught him that nothing lasts forever and we should keep moving forward. He knew grief and pain which made him kinder and softer to people, he also knew how to be strong and tough as life was harsh sometimes.All these blocks were the beginning to a glorious path.

At the age of sixteen, the young man entered a world of business where he developed his social skills. At those stages of his life he faced all kinds of people which widened his knowledge about relationships and society. From days of travelling to selling goods all day, the young man was able to steal people’s affection which made them grow more fond of him. He was faithful in his work, and was honest when he sold his goods. He dazzled many people by his nobility and innocence, and he was always content with his share in life. When Muhammad was twenty five years old, he traveled to Syria as a factor of a noble and rich woman, Khadijah, and he was able to leave her in awe so he was rewarded with her hand in marriage.

He was known around Mecca as Al-Ameen and always treated his wife with care and respect, and from him we learn the significance of woman and how Kahdijah played a major role in helping Muhammad fulfil his duty. She was the shoulder that the prophet leaned on when he felt scared and the shelter he returned back to when everyone didn’t believe him.

Three years before his prophecy Muhammed developed a habit of secluding himself in a cave in Mount Hira, a few miles from Mecca. He spent the whole nights in deep thought about god and the universe, which teaches us that deep thinking is important as it helps in building your wisdom and discovering yourself to a deep-rooted level. It was during these hours of the night where an angel came to tell him, he was the Messenger of Allah sent to guide people to rightfulness.

His story begins from here, where he’ll be tortured and mocked, but he never blended and stood strong.He never backed away or hesitated, and faced every enemy with wisdom and fairness.He was the spark that lit the fire of justice leaving ashes of a sincere society.

Our prophet was perfect from every angle but what inspired me the most was his story before he became god’s messenger, it opened perspectives I never saw before.

He wasn’t a prophet and he didn’t have miracles yet he was pure and noble.

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