Never compromise on hiring

Jocelin Ho
Cooby HQ
Published in
2 min readJul 8, 2022

Just went through a Surge session with Rajan Anandan and learned a ton, but there’s one thing that hit deep in my heart as it resonates too much with what we are currently experiencing.

“The fastest way to build a mediocre company is to compromise on hiring. “

We have been hiring for a while, for a couple of months to be more specific. We are finally close to hitting the goal, but the struggle along the way is real. There are a couple of possible reasons behind this: not having a big company logo, not being able to compete with blockchain companies on unbelievable packages, not offering fully remote options, and so on.

But I think the one most important reason is that we are not willing to compromise. The struggle is not caused by a lack of resumes — at one point I have ~15 interviews a week — it’s that we only want to hire for the best. Best in skills and best in fitting our culture. We believe that people are the most important factor of a company, especially for a startup like us. We are a stellar team that shares the same value and aims for the same goal, and we know that we are going to make something big together.

Although short on staff is a real pain, we still believe not compromising is the right decision. With what Rajan said today, I’m more confident that our persistence and principled approach are right.

If you think you are an A player and also want to be part of the best players team, shoot me a message. We will always have openings for you.

Check out more of our openings here:



Jocelin Ho
Cooby HQ

Currently exploring opportunities! Ex-CTO & co-founder of Cooby, Ex-Instagram, Ex-Meta, Passionate about tech, management, psychology, and reading