Agile is not Agile

Jorge Castro
Cook php
Published in
3 min readOct 6, 2019
Is it Agile?

Agile is not Agile

And we are not talking about verbs. What we currently understand as Agile is anything but Agile. I explain.

Agile Manifesto

We are uncovering better ways of developing
software by doing it and helping others do it.
Through this work we have come to value:

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on
the right, we value the items on the left more.

Question: Did you see any spring here? Nope. It does not even vilify waterfall.

Modern definition

And it is the modern definition of Agile.

And it is another definition of Agile

To make people awesome?.

And another more.

What’s happened?

The same people that screw our job are not screwing it. It is the people that take some concept and they adopt as a religion (it is curious, most of those people are atheists).

There is not a silver bullet. You can’t apply the same formula again and again. Programming is also about thinking!. So think!.

My interpretation of Agile:

It is my interpretation (because it could vary. Why? anti-silver-bullet thing), of course, it’s not law or a process but an interpretation.

1) Get it done

2) Fewer documentation

However, it does not mean to lack documentation!. API needs documentation.

3) No contracts

If we (as developers) want to do a good job it is because it’s our responsibility, not because we are forced to do that.

4) Talk with the customer (or customers)

And again, it’s curious but most programmers think the job of a programmer is lone and anti-social and it is the opposite. We should talk with:

  • Our colleagues.
  • Managements.
  • Customers (predevelop, during develop and post develop)
  • Sometimes even with providers.

About listening to the customer. Listen is not the same than Obey

5) Changes happen so we should be prepared.

We couldn’t build a Jenga. However, we must get the sh*t done too, So we could spend years and years to build something absurdly solid because we are not delivering on time.

Finally question.

Are you Agile?
If you are working correctly, you are delivering the product, you talk with everybody and the product work (more or less) acceptable, then you are agile. Even if your workplace is “waterfall”.

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