Bad design: SharePoint 365

Jorge Castro
Cook php
Published in
3 min readAug 19, 2019

SharePoint 365 and a long list of mistakes.

Error 1: Slowness.

The system is simply slow. It works if you want to edit some small stuff but some people work every day with it and it is painful to work with it. For example this message.

Error 2: Unstable.

Sometimes it shows a message of waiting. However, it could fail. It’s not rare than the solution is to “refresh” the screen. And of course, some features simply fail at random.

For example, connecting to Office

Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't and of course, the error messages are cryptic.

Error 3: Resource Hog.

It is for SharePoint On-site. It requires at least 8gb of RAM (for a slow SharePoint), and it works decently with at least 16gb of RAM. In comparison, it is possible to run 20 WordPress sites at the same time in the same configuration and it still has memory free.

Error 4: Bad design.

You open a document then you could check in the document, and finally you could check out. Most customers do not understand it🤷. Finally, Microsoft decided to rename as “extract repository/add to the repository”. Of course, the translation is half-way, half of SharePoint calls it extract and the other half calls it check-in (and sometimes it calls “protected”/”unprotected”)

So, we have 2 names (3 really) to name the same concept and all of them are not clear. As I work with code, I understand the concept “repository” but the end-user doesn’t get it.

Also, some features work on the web while others do not work on the web and it requires a program. For example, workflows.

Error 5: Licenses.

There are 3 kinds of licenses, foundation (aka the free version that nobody would want), standard and enterprise. SharePoint Online calls then Online Plan 1, and Online Plan 2 and they are different (Online Plan 2 = Enterprise = all features). Now, how I can purchase it?. For example, is it included in Office 365 Business plan? and if yes, which one?

In short, it says, yes this plan contains SharePoint. Which one? beats me!.

Error 6: Unsolicited updates.

SharePoint added a new style (it was years ago)

Now SharePoint has two “styles”, the modern and the classic. They are incompatible with each other. In sum, the classic has practically all functionalities while the modern lacks of everything but some features (that are not present in classic). So, which one to use? Classic, at least it is a bit more complete.

