How to run Redis on Windows

Jorge Castro
Cook php
Published in
2 min readMar 11, 2020

Why Redis?

Redis is an in-memory database/cache. If it’s used correctly, then it could increase the performance of an application tenfold times.

The server of StackOverflow uses Redis.

While Redis has so many commands but principally we want to use two of them:

  • store a value by id
  • fetch a value by id

So it’s pretty easy to learn Redis.

1) Install Redis on Windows

Check the latest release, download the zip and uncompress it in some folder.

Open the console and go to the folder recently unzipped.

Run then next command

redis-server.exe --service-install

It will install Redis as a service.

By default, Redis runs without user and password and uses the port 6379.

2) You will need an IDE.

There is one that it was for free but not anymore. However, the old version is still free.

3) Connecting

Open Redis Desktop manager, create a new connection, write a new name to the connection, address:, port: 6379, and nothing more.

4) And that’s it.

Later you could configure some stuff, editing the file

Note: Also published on

