MilkCo a fictious example of a database

Jorge Castro
Cook php
Published in
3 min readJun 22, 2020


It is an example database for MYSQL, similar to Sakila

Photo from

It is a database model of a Milk Company that we could use to test and evaluate Business Intelligence and Data Science.


  • Products (Skus) are divided in types, subtypes, container (cup, bottle, etc.) and brands.
  • 3 Brands: Value Pack, Auntie Annie and Red Label (cheap, normal and expensive)
  • More than 10 years of sales.
  • A worldwide company with offices, employees and customers across the globe.
  • The products has a trends (some products are more sold than others)
  • The sales has seasonal trends in the number of invoice and in the size of the invoices.
  • 50 Branches (offices) across the globe.
  • 1000 Employees
  • 17000 Invoices starting the 2005. The invoices have stationary trends.
  • 64000 Invoice details. The invoices have stationary trends.
  • 3563 Customers. Some of them are companies
  • The database model is vanilla and clean. It does not have views, store procedure, functions or even index (with the exception of primary key and foreign keys)
  • The columns are normalized to use the minimum type of definitions.


  • Every Indexes have a prefix called “id” with the exception of “Sku”, where “sku” is the index without a prefix.
  • Foreign keys don’t have a special name. Usually they have the same name than the primary key.
  • All tables are in plural. Composed names are written in camel case.
  • Columns are written in lowercase and it starts in lowercase.


  • It works with MySQL 8.0 or higher**. It could work with an older version of MySQL but you must replace the encoding:
![invoices_per_day](D:\dropbox\Projects\MilkCo-Database\invoices_per_day.jpg)-- mysql 8.0
DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci
-- mysql <=5.7
  • It misses some features. For example, a table of purchases, the salaries and the costs of each branches are fixed
  • Values are not inflationary.
  • It lacks shipping
  • It does not consider taxes. If the taxes are flat, then it is not a problem.


This database was created with random values. However, it has some trends

(I don’t want to spoil much the results 😀)

For example, the invoices per day (January 2020)

So, apparently, there is not a trend.

And Invoices per day week (January 2020)

Did you see the trend?

How to install it?

  1. Create a new schema or use one.
CREATE SCHEMA `milkco` ; -- or you can use any name.
  1. Run the ddl.sql script
  2. It includes the structure of the database and the foreign keys
  3. Run the dml.sql script.
  4. It includes the data of the database.

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