Programming and aesthetic

Jorge Castro
Cook php
Published in
2 min readMar 28, 2020

Programming is not the art to write a book, it does not matter much the aesthetic of the code. If the code uses OOP, SOLID, TDD, Functional programming or not, it’s usually irrelevant and you are losing the point of programming.

What matters?

  • Does the code work?

It sounds obvious but it is not always the case.

  • Does the code run acceptably fast?

And please, does not assume that every code runs fast. For example SAP

SAP could be well-designed but it’s painfully slow, it simply does not work correctly for that reason.

  • How much time takes to develop the code?

If the projects take more than 2 years, then when it will be finished, then the project will be practically obsolete (the lifecycle of the technology is 3 years). So, sometimes we should do a fast code over an overly-highly handcrafted code.

Fun fact: our code is recyclable

  • Is the code easy to maintain?

Some people think wrongly that if they apply X pattern, then the code automatically is easy to maintain. It is not always the case. In general, it applies simple code = simple to keep updated.

So, please, stop over-engineering our code. It does not work

  • Think

It's funny but some programmers forget that we are programmers because we know how to think.

If you are a donkey, then you should not code.

