Programming and overhead.

Jorge Castro
Cook php
Published in
2 min readJan 15, 2019

It’s impressive to see the number of programmers that don’t program but spend time on something else that it’s simply overhead.
Anyways, I won’t talk about programmers that waste their time playing games or doing some other job but programmers that they think they are programming, but they aren’t. 😅

Serverless configuration.

The goal of a serverless server is to save us time, not the opposite. So, every time that we spend time configuring it, it is overhead. Every IT could set a Linux server from scratch in a day. So, if we spend more than a day configuring a serverless, then it is overhead and worse, it is time that we don’t produce any line of code. It also applies to Docker.

Unit test

Unit testing is important. However, it is overhead. The motto says that Unit test could save us time. However, it is not always true. Unit test works if it used in small doses.
Some developers spend so much time doing unit test instead of creating working code.

Continuous integration

CI is another excuse to spend time. It could be worthy, but it is not vital and usually it is a big overhead.


Meetings are essential too; however, they are also an overhead. Some projects spend a big part of the time in meetings, including projects with a meeting every day. There is a type of managers that love meeting (and to waste our time). 😴

Interface/Class 1–1

Creating one interface per class is not only a waste of time but cargo-cult. Interface has a meaning (reusability), so if we over-used it, then we are spoiling its main goal. Also, it is not rare to find a code monkey that spends a week “creating” interface (they can be created automatically!), so they justify their work by auto-generating code (i.e. they cheat). 😡

Library fanatic

Nobody would want to reinvent the wheel. However, some programmers spend time adding tons and tons of libraries instead of programming. Even if the library is for free, the use of the library has a cost (keeping update, dependencies and so on), so we must not over-abuse of them. A project with more than 100 libraries is crap that it’s hard to maintenance.

