How will Midjourney create new professions? Where will the old ones go?

Midjourney is a rapidly evolving field that is poised to reshape the way we work and create new professions that did not previously exist. This article will explore the ways in which Midjourney will create new professions and where the old professions will go as a result.

It is difficult to predict exactly how mid-journey technology will impact various professions, as it largely depends on the specific advancements that are made. However, it is likely that many jobs will be automated or made more efficient by technology, potentially leading to some job loss in certain fields. Additionally, new professions may emerge as a result of mid-journey technology. It’s also likely that many current professions will change and evolve to adapt to new technologies and ways of working. However, it is important to note that human skills like creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, empathy, and emotional intelligence will still be in high demand and may become even more valuable in the future.

This technology, which uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to automate various tasks, is expected to create many new professions in the near future.

For example, as Midjourney algorithms become better at analyzing and interpreting data, they will be able to take over many of the data analysis and interpretation tasks that are currently performed by data analysts and scientists. This will free up human data analysts and scientists to focus on more complex and creative tasks such as developing new algorithms and models, which will lead to the creation of new professions such as “Midjourney data engineers” or “Midjourney algorithm developers”.

Another way that Midjourney will create new professions is through the creation of new industries and marketplaces. As Midjourney technologies become more advanced and widely adopted, they will enable the creation of new industries and marketplaces that did not previously exist.

Data analysis

One of the most promising areas for new professions in Midjourney is data analysis. As more and more data is generated and collected, the demand for professionals who can analyze and interpret this data will continue to grow. This could include roles such as data scientists, data analysts, and data engineers, all of whom will be responsible for using Midjourney tools to make sense of the vast amounts of data that are being generated.

One of the key benefits of Midjourney is that it allows for the detection of patterns and anomalies in the data that may not be immediately apparent using traditional data analysis methods. This can lead to more accurate predictions and more efficient use of resources.

Another advantage of Midjourney is that it can be used to analyze data from a wide range of sources, including social media, sensor data, and IoT devices. This allows for a more comprehensive view of the data, which can lead to more accurate insights and better decision-making.

Additionally, midjourney also requires a lot of computational power and storage capacity, which can be costly. Therefore, it might not be feasible for small and medium-sized businesses.

Overall, while Midjourney has the potential to greatly enhance and streamline the process of data analysis, it is not a replacement for traditional methods. It should be used in conjunction with other methods to provide a more complete and accurate view of the data.

Another area where Midjourney is likely to create new professions is in automation. As more and more tasks are automated using Midjourney, there will be a need for professionals who can design, implement, and maintain these automation systems. This could include roles such as automation engineers, automation architects, and automation analysts.


On one hand, midjourney can automate certain aspects of writing, such as data entry and content creation for repetitive or formulaic tasks. This can save time and increase efficiency for writers working in industries like journalism or content marketing.

On the other hand, midjourney lacks the creativity and human touch that is often required in writing. It is not yet advanced enough to fully replace the work of professional writers, especially when it comes to producing high-quality, engaging content.

Additionally, midjourney raises ethical concerns about the implications of automation on jobs and the potential for biased or inaccurate content to be generated.

Overall, while midjourney may change the way writing is done, it is unlikely to fully replace the work of professional writers. Instead, it will likely serve as a tool to aid them in their tasks and open up new opportunities for collaboration and innovation in the field.


Midjourney has the potential to revolutionize the way we create and consume art. While some experts believe that this technology will replace the work of human artists, others argue that it will instead augment and enhance their creative processes.

One of the main benefits of Midjourney is its ability to generate highly detailed and realistic images, videos, and other forms of digital media. This technology uses machine learning algorithms to analyze large amounts of data and create new images and videos that are indistinguishable from those created by humans. This has the potential to revolutionize industries such as animation, video game design, and advertising, where high-quality graphics are essential.

However, while Midjourney may be able to create highly realistic images, it is still lacking in the ability to create truly original and creative works of art. Human artists bring their own unique perspectives, experiences, and emotions to their work, which cannot be replicated by a machine. Additionally, the creative process itself is an important aspect of art, and Midjourney is not able to replicate the intuition and spontaneity that is often present in human-created art.

Furthermore, while Midjourney can generate highly realistic images, it is still lacking in the ability to create truly original and creative works of art. Human artists bring their own unique perspectives, experiences, and emotions to their work, which cannot be replicated by a machine. Additionally, the creative process itself is an important aspect of art, and Midjourney is not able to replicate the intuition and spontaneity that is often present in human-created art.

It is also important to note that the use of Midjourney in the art industry raises ethical concerns. As the technology becomes more advanced, it may become increasingly difficult to distinguish between human-created and machine-generated art. This could lead to confusion and a devaluation of the work of human artists.

While Midjourney has the potential to revolutionize the way we create and consume art, it is unlikely to replace the work of human artists. Instead, it is more likely to augment and enhance their creative processes. However, it is important to carefully consider the ethical implications of this technology as it continues to advance.


This technology has the potential to revolutionize the field of design by allowing machines to create designs that are faster, more efficient, and more accurate than those created by humans.

One of the main advantages of Midjourney is that it can save designers a significant amount of time and effort. By automating repetitive tasks, such as creating layouts and patterns, Midjourney can free up designers to focus on more creative and strategic work. Additionally, Midjourney can also be used to generate a large number of design options in a short amount of time, which can be useful for tasks such as product prototyping or user testing.

However, it is important to note that midjourney is not a replacement for human designers. Instead, it is a tool that can be used to augment and enhance the work of designers. While machines can create designs that are faster and more efficient, they lack the creativity and intuitive understanding of human designers. This means that human designers will still be needed to provide the creative vision and strategic direction that is required for successful design projects.

Midjourney has the potential to revolutionize the field of design by automating repetitive tasks and increasing efficiency. However, it is not a replacement for human designers, but rather a tool that can be used to augment and enhance their work. With the right approach and the right set of skills, human designers and Midjourney can work together to create designs that are faster, more efficient, and more accurate than ever before.


Another area where midjourney will create new professions is in the field of artificial intelligence. As AI becomes more advanced, there will be a growing need for professionals who can design, develop, and maintain AI systems. These professionals will need to have a strong understanding of computer science, machine learning, and statistics, and will be responsible for creating AI systems that can perform tasks such as natural language processing, computer vision, and decision-making.

MidJourney recently took an interest in RTVI. The channel’s staff decided to take a look into the future and fantasise about professions that humanity could master in many years to come. An artist with the nickname lina flwrs helped them do it. She has long been mastering the use of technology and creating neuroart based on newsworthy topics, events and her own fantasies. This time, she was tasked to come up with and correctly formulate requests for the neural network to draw pictures. MidJourney’s vibrant works of futuristic imagery have been published on social media.

The pictures show images of several unusual professions of the future at once. They include designer and constructor of smart homes, concentration coach, specialist in revival of extinct animal and plant species, and manager on interaction between people and machines. In addition, the authors suggest that special work-from-home facilitators will be able to connect people with remote work. But some fictional experts would still come in handy today. Digital rehabilitation consultants, for example. This is how specialists with psychology and IT skills have been described to help reduce the time spent online.

In addition to these specific roles, Midjourney is also expected to lead to the creation of many new professions that we cannot yet even imagined. As this technology continues to evolve, it will open up new possibilities for how we live and work, and create many new opportunities for people to use their skills and creativity in exciting and innovative ways.

As Midjourney continues to advance and penetrate more industries, it will be important for individuals and organizations to stay informed about the latest developments and to identify the new opportunities that it is creating. Those who are able to quickly adapt to these new technologies and new ways of working will be well-positioned to take advantage of the many new professions that are likely to emerge in the coming years.

As for the old professions, they will not disappear entirely but will evolve and adapt to the new technological advancements. For example, factory workers will still be needed to operate and maintain the machinery, but their tasks will be more focused on monitoring and troubleshooting the automated systems. Similarly, truck drivers will still be needed to transport goods, but their role will evolve to include tasks such as monitoring and maintaining autonomous vehicles.

Ethical issue

To what extent will the emergence of such improved software affect the professional world of illustrators, designers and artists?

There are two different worlds here: art and graphic design. In graphic design, AI is already doing a lot, and major design studios are investing in such projects because they see a future in them. But future generations of designers (in 20–30 years) probably do not need to learn it, because neuronet will do a simple job just as good or even better in some ways.

But art, which is created by a living person with his or her experiences, feelings and feelings, is unique. After all, paintings are bought at prestigious auctions for the stories behind the artist and his work, for the individual approach, style, expression — so each author has his own audience, his own fans. And artists who study in vocational schools and art schools do not need to look for a new profession, because in terms of creativity AI can never compete with humans. For the industry, it will be a boost because Midjourney will definitely find its consumer among people who use photobanks and stockists.

When can art be considered art: should we create everything “by hand” or can we consider the use of digital technology when creating illustrations? Does it lower the level of creativity?

Midjourney’s creators themselves say that they don’t see artists as competitors, but as customers. They can use AI as a tool for sketching and developing ideas. They can quickly generate several types of idea development and work from there. Famous artists no longer create absolutely everything “by hand”: many have a team, some use different technologies, where the result is not always predictable, just like when using AI. Art has long gone beyond manual labour: Andy Warhol used printmaking, each time the print turned out a little differently, and it is now considered art. AI could also be used as some kind of stage in the creation of a work. Although the precedent of a work created entirely by AI winning a digital art competition in the US is also interesting. The jury members didn’t know that it was created by AI, but they said that even if they had known, they would have given it first place anyway.

In conclusion, Midjourney is expected to create many new professions in the near future, including roles in data analysis and automation. It will also open up new possibilities for how we live and work, and create many new opportunities for people to use their skills and creativity in exciting and innovative ways.

