My 2024 New Year Resolution, teach more dumplings classes

Olive Huang
Cooking Dolls
Published in
2 min readJan 6, 2024

This marks a significant turning point for me this year, transitioning from a decade-long role as a personal chef, caterer, and cooking class instructor. It’s finally time to embrace a more relaxed pace and step away from the demanding schedule of over working.

I thoroughly enjoy sharing the art of dumpling making with fellow enthusiasts.

Soup Dumplings, Ginger Dipping Sauce
Shui Mai Dumplings

THE DOUGH! Craving the dough is an understatement! The sheer joy of sinking your teeth into a succulent dumpling is truly unmatched. The dough, with its subtly resilient and bouncy texture, works wonders in your mouth, creating a satisfying chewiness. As you take that first bite, a savory flavor explosion unfolds, rendering your taste buds utterly delighted. And here’s the magic — the dumpling dough effortlessly absorbs the rich flavors of the filling it envelops, making each bite a harmonious blend of textures and tastes.

Let’s set up some hands-on private classes in 2024! It’s a fun way to make awesome memories with your loved ones.

Pan-fried Dumplings
Sticky Rice Dumplings, Dumpling Class
Sticky Rice Dumplings and Fun Valentine’s day Dumplings



Olive Huang
Cooking Dolls

I am a Seattle Personal Chef and Cooking Class Instructor. Love to tell stories through food and cooking. Find me at