Bonus Story 1: Exploding Cheese

What in the world just happened?!

Aaron Charles
Cooking With Sarah
2 min readMay 31, 2016


I walked down the aisle of our local grocery store, looking for the two items on my list — tortilla chips and nacho cheese. We were going to make nachos that night, and these were the only ingredients we didn’t have.

I grabbed a bag of tortilla chips off the shelf. Directly beneath it was a jar of nacho cheese. It was the off-brand, but it looked good enough to me. Just as I was putting it in my basket, I noticed some instructions printed on the side of the jar.

“Place cheese in microwavable bowl to heat up.”

I thought nothing of it and headed for the checkout line.

Sarah was readying all the toppings for our nachos. I was pouring water. Dinner was nearly ready. I snuck past Sarah to put the pitcher back in the refridg…


We both jumped. Sarah had been heating up the cheese. She quickly shut off the microwave and opened the door.

What once had been a white interior was now almost completely yellow. Large clumps of molten cheese lined the microwave walls. As I watched the lava cheese slowly drip from the top of the microwave, I suddenly remembered the seemingly innocuous reminder on the side of the jar.

“Place cheese in microwavable bowl to heat up.”

Oops. Sorry, honey — that one’s on me. At least it made for a good story. :)

Thanks for reading, I really appreciate it! If you enjoyed this, check out some of the other stories of our cooking adventures. And remember to put the cheese in a microwavable bowl!



Aaron Charles
Cooking With Sarah

Christ-follower. Husband to @SarahLCharles. Simple moments hold great power. Connect with me at my website: