Week 79: Togetherness from Afar

Not even 675 miles can stop Cooking With Sarah…

Aaron Charles
Cooking With Sarah
4 min readSep 15, 2017


Each Sunday, my wife and I cook and eat a meal together — intentionally. Every Friday, I’ll be sharing our experience here in this space. I want to see the growth that will come in our marriage because of this. I hope you enjoy our story. You can find last week’s post here.

If you’re wondering what in the world that header image is and how it has anything to do with cooking, let me tell you. I went on a trip this particular weekend, but Sarah had to stay home. She was still accruing vacation time on her job, so she could not join me unfortunately. Why did I go then? Well, my brother and sister in law had their first child in July, and I could not wait any longer to meet my nephew. That photo above was one I took on an early morning flight.

I had a fantastic time in Charlotte with my brother and his growing family. It was such a good weekend, but it was also hard in one way. This was the longest time Sarah and I had ever spent apart from each other since we were married. The trip also covered a Sunday, so that meant I would not be there for Cooking With Sarah. But Sarah and I learned a great deal about togetherness this weekend. It doesn’t always mean being in the same room. Sometimes it means supporting your husband in travelling miles and miles away by himself so that he can meet his new nephew. Sometimes it means texting your wife more often so she can stay in the loop with what’s going on. Sometimes it means praying for each other from different states.

But it’s still togetherness.

While I was cuddling my nephew, Sarah was making some guacamole. Well, first, she had her friend Kristen bring over her own guacamole recipe to try. Doesn’t it look fantastic?!

I love that Sarah was able to pour into friendships while I was gone. There are few things quite like a good friendship. Sarah’s weekend of great guacamole continued at one of our favorite places — her parents’ house. Last time we were there, Sarah and her mom made fantastic pico de gallo. This time, they made some tasty guacamole.

Though I wasn’t there to share in the festivities, I know it must have been fun. Any time those two get together, it’s a good time! I’m so glad that Sarah was able to go up and have such quality time with Dale Susan Schoettle. They are absolutely fantastic, and I’m so blessed to be their son-in-law.

That Monday was Labor Day, and I was coming home. To celebrate, we planned a day in Chicago — Sarah, me and my Dad. Chicago is probably our favorite city, and on the agenda this day was one of the city’s famous attractions that I had never seen before — The Field Museum.

We had a fantastic time of togetherness — this time in the same room. It was so good to be back, and we really enjoyed our day in the city. It was rejuvenating.

Now we know that, whether we’re in the same room or in completely different states, the togetherness we’ve built in our marriage spans that distance. Cooking With Sarah has been a major catalyst for that togetherness. God is the Author of it. Sarah and I are blessed to share it.

And — believe me — when I got home, I tried some of that guacamole!

Thanks for reading! Sarah and I appreciate each and every one of you who engage with our publication. As always, we wish you the best as you enjoy simple moments with those you love.

And don’t forget to follow Cooking With Sarah on Instagram!



Aaron Charles
Cooking With Sarah

Christ-follower. Husband to @SarahLCharles. Simple moments hold great power. Connect with me at my website: www.aarondcharles.com