Terri and Rei Battle Over #thymeandchampagne

Cooking with Rei
Published in
6 min readSep 27, 2019

So we started this blog to document our three year Julia Child Mastering the Art of French Cooking journey. Why three years? Because Rei graduates from high school in 2022 and we wanted to do something together since Rei’s brother recently went off to college.

We then expanded it to all things French so we could take advantage of all of our French cookbooks and the sites my friend Imene in Paris has sent to me.

Rei has decided that perhaps that’s too narrow and would like it to be all things cooking and baking. I am resisting…I like having a theme. Rei is my child and will most likely — I think you mean definitely~Rei — stubbornly bake what they want (not always French) but our cooking will most likely stay in the French realm.

This all started when Rei wanted to make a non-French cake on Sunday. (Note: Rei may write up a separate post on this but hasn’t done it yet so I am pulling into this post — whoa! way to call a dude out, Mom! I mean, you’re not necessarily wrong, but no need to rush me!). Rei started by making the meringue frosting and Rei got to do what they love: whisk!

I was working at the counter while Rei was making the cake and frosting so I didn’t get all of the details. One thing I do remember was that letting the egg white mixture cool was a major game changer. It was indeed! The Swiss meringue frosting worked so much better this time!~Rei

Then it was time to add some butter. Rei and I both think we need a butter sponsor. Anyone have connections to Clover or some other butter company?

And then, magically, there was a chocolate cake ready to frost with the butter cream. I had made the cakes the day before, so they had plenty of time to cool.~Rei

Last summer Rei went to my parents’ house and Rei and my mom watched online cake decorating classes and learned how to make frosting flowers. I am amazed at Rei’s patience and dexterity. The color choice was a bit morbid but Rei is 15 and shows some Goth tendencies so I am not that surprised. Grey isn’t that ‘morbid,’ Mom! I just like the color scheme!~Rei

Rei added some dots and voila…a beautifully decorated chocolate cake with butter cream frosting. I am one impressed and proud mama.

Since I was still working (which totally annoyed Rei), Rei got Zeke to shred and cube the cheeses for the cheesy herb bread. Rei had made it once before but it needed more cheese, some garlic, and different herbs.

While Zeke was cutting the cheese (ha ha ha), Rei got to work chopping the herbs. We opted for rosemary, thyme, and tarragon. Next time we will use rosemary only. And more garlic.~Rei

Rei was demonstrating their juggling talent in preparing the bread dough. Show off! And yes, this was my vantage point throughout the preparation of the meal.

Gooey goodness before the bake.

While it looks a bit weird, this beautiful bread was super delicious. Perfect texture.

Then it was on to the burgers. Rei cooked up lots of red onion (after crying as they were cutting them — I actually put on some swimming goggles so I was completely immune to the wiles of the wicked onions~Rei) for the onion marmalade that was to go on top of the burgers.

There are capers, cornichons, tarragon, sun dried tomatoes, and parsley in with the meat. I know Rei loved this part too. They love touching raw meat and poultry with their hands. Whisking and raw protein…Rei’s favorites.

They look bigger than they were. I think Rei pan-fried them instead of putting on the grill.Wrong again! We did put them on the grill, along with the buns!~Rei I think the buns were toasted on the grill. Zeke might have helped with that.

We had a simple arugula salad with goat cheese and balsamic vinaigrette to accompany the burgers and cheesy bread. Burgers were good. I am pretty sure we will make them again. I will opt out of having the sliced cheese on top and I did use ketchup which was “very optional’ per the recipe. (Both the burgers and the cheesy bread are from Dorie Greenspan’s Around My French Table).

And then cake, of course. Rei and I shared a piece (I had about two bites as I don’t care for chocolate cake) but it was super pretty and the buttercream frosting was tasty. Next time, I will cook the cakes less, as they were slightly overdone.~Rei (I agree~Terri)

Picture perfect

Rei, care to take it away?

I’m sitting in front of the computer with Jackie (my baby snek (snake~Terri), I love her very much) and I’m not sure what exactly to say. Dinner was good, and Jackie is rather distracting, as she is curled around my ear and going down my back.

I’m considering making goldfish-like cheesy crackers to bring to school as a snack, because I’m running kinda low on snacky foods.

Also I’m going to try to wear Mom down a bit on filming YouTube videos, but maybe we could do a blog/video combo, where the video is us actually cooking, and the blog is us reflecting on how the meal ended up and what we would do differently next time? I don’t know, I’m just kinda spitballing here.

Okay, ciao, and until next time, have a themraculistic day!

Rei and Terri



Cooking with Rei

Mother/kid duo on a global cooking adventure. We’re just cooking, taking pictures and writing all about it. Snark courtesy of Rei. Rei says, “you’re welcome!”