Building a future for all — the importance of supporting the regeneration of living soils and their biodiversity

We are living at a time when the roadmap we decide to put in place together will define our future. The question is not to sustain what no longer sustains itself, but to regenerate the real natural capital we have.

Cookpad Team
From the Cookpad Team
3 min readDec 9, 2022


Soils are the basis of all terrestrial ecosystems. However, they face major threats at the global level. Soils play a key role in nature conservation in general and in mitigating the effects of the climate crisis, to name but a few of their many contributions. But they are, at the same time, vulnerable to climate change and the intensification of their use (e.g. deforestation, pollution, erosion, etc.).

Regenerative agriculture and livestock farming are production models that mimic nature and provide nutritious, healthy food while regenerating soil fertility and biodiversity. Regenerative agriculture is a main driving force to contribute to the transformation of agri-food systems, to support producers in a fairer and more respectful way, to combat the loss of fertile soil and of biodiversity, desertification and, ultimately, to contribute to safe and fair production of healthy food as well as contributing to the mitigation and adaptation of climate change.

Farm 45’s main mission is to be a lever of change and empowerment for producers and consumers in the process of transformation from an extractive agro-food system to a system that manages to produce diverse and healthy food to satisfy the needs of human beings and, at the same time, regenerate the soils, biodiversity and life of the ecosystem.

In our vision, an interconnected network of agroecological and regenerative producers not only produce healthy food in a profitable and efficient way, but also regenerate local and rural economies, soils, biodiversity and healthy ecosystems. They are key agents of change in the process of transforming the agri-food system. At the same time, these producers are connected to consumers’ networks who cook with the awareness that the products they buy and prepare for their people and families are more than food, they are the result of teamwork with nature that nourishes us and provides us with real health.

To this end, it is critical to communicate and disseminate to the general public what is involved in food production that regenerates the natural capital on which we depend. It is a priority objective for Farm45 to raise consumer awareness so that they can make conscious decisions about their consumption and know the options available to them to be an active part of this transition.

Farm45 is working on the creation of a communication platform to make information available to the general public about the benefits, the positive environmental and health impact of regenerative agriculture and, ultimately, to empower citizens by making them aware of the essential role they have in all of this.

We are looking for someone who can translate technical and scientific knowledge into messages that reach deep into the general public. We all need to know and be able to decide what we want our future world to look like, how we want our food to be produced and how to achieve a natural balance in which we can continue to live in balance, resilience and harmony. If you think you can help us design the best communication channel and language to connect this knowledge and translate it into food choice habits that support regenerative models, please do not hesitate to apply for the open position here: Editor in Chief / Jefe Redactor



Cookpad Team
From the Cookpad Team

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